L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
U. Boscain, Y. Chitour, Introduction to control theory. 156 pages, [pdf]
Y. Chitour, P. Kokkonen Rolling manifolds. 225 pages [pdf]
7. A. Bennallegue, M. Bennallegue, Y. Chitour, Tilt estimator for 3D non-rigid pendulum based on a tri-axial accelerometer and gyrometer, 8 pages. [pdf]
6. A. Bennallegue, Y. Chitour, A. TayebiAdaptive Attitude Trajectory Tracking Control of Rigid Body Dynamics, 8 pages, [pdf]
5. Y. Chitour, E. Grong, F. Jean, P. Kokkonen, Horizontal holonomy and foliated manifolds, 30 pages, [pdf]
4. J. Laporte, A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, Global stabilization of linear systems with bounds on the feedback and its successive derivatives, 26 pages, [pdf]
3. Y. Chitour, M. Harmouche, S. Laghrouche, Practical stabilization of perturbed integrator chains with unknown bounds, 14 pages, [pdf]
2. Y. Chitour, S. Tliba, H∞-feedback design for linear systems subject to input saturation. 12 pages, [pdf]
1. Y. Tan, E. Trélat, Y. Chitour, D. Nesic, Dynamic practical stabilization of sampled-data linear distributed parameter systems. 15 pages, [pdf]
70. Y. Chitour, M. Harmouche, S. Laghrouche, Higher order supertwisting algorithm for perturbed chains of integrators of arbitrary order, IEEE TAC, 7 pages, 2017. [pdf]
69. Y. Chitour, P. Mason, M. Sigalotti, A characterization of switched linear control systems with finite $L^2$-gain, IEEE TAC regular paper, publié en ligne Décembre 2016. [pdf]
68. J. Laporte, A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, Global stabilization of classes of linear control systems with bounds on the feedback and its successive derivatives, Systems and Cont. Letters 99, pp. 17-24, 2017. [pdf]
67.Y. Chitour, G. Mazanti, M. Sigalotti, Stability of non-autonomous difference equations with applications to transport and wave propagation on networks, Net. Het. Media 11-4, pp. 563-601, 2016. [pdf]
66. L. Benziane, A. El Hadri, A. Seba, A. Benallegue, Y. Chitour, Attitude Estimation and Control Using Linear-Like Complementary Filters: Theory and Experiment. IEEE Trans. on Cont. Sys. Tech.24, 6, pp.2133 – 2140, 2016. [pdf]
65. M. Harmouche, S. Laghrouche, Y. Chitour, M. Hamerlain, Stabilization of perturbed integrator chains using Lyapunov-Based Homogeneous Control. Int. J. of Control published on line, 10 pages, Décembre 7, 2016. [pdf]
64. Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti, Generic controllability of the bilinear Schrodinger equation on 1-D domains: the case of measurable potentials, Rend. dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Univ. di Trieste, 48, pp 1-17, 2016. [pdf]
63. Z. Chen, Y. Chitour, Controllability of keplerian Motion with Low-Thrust Control Systems, Radon series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 18, pp. 344-365, 2016. [pdf]
62. Z. Chen, J.B. Caillau, Y. Chitour, L1 Minimization for mechanical systems, A paraitre dans SIAM J. Control. Optim, vol. 54, pp. 1245-1265, 2016. [pdf]
61. D. Harnack, M. Pelko, A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, M. Mark Van Rossum,
Stability of neuronal networks with homeostatic regulation. A paraitre dans Plos Comp. Biology, 27 pages, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004357, [pdf]
60. R. Azouit, A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, Luca Greco, Strong iISS for a class of systems under saturated feedback. A paraitre dans Automatica, 71, 272-280, 2016. [pdf]
59. Y. Chitour, G. Mazanti, M Sigalotti, Persistently damped transport on a network of circles. A paraitre dans Trans. AMS, 38 pages, [pdf]
58. Y. Chitour, M. Gaye, P Mason, Geometric and asymptotic properties associated with linear switched systems. J. Diff. Eqs. 259 (11), 5582-5616, 2016. [pdf]
57. L Benziane, A Benallegue, A Tayebi, Y. Chitour, Inertial Vector Based Attitude Stabilization of Rigid Body Without Angular Velocity Measurements. A paraitre dans Int. J. of Robust and Nonlin. Control 12 pages, [pdf]
56. Y. Chitour, M. G. Molina, P. Kokkonen, I. Markina, Rolling against a sphere : the non-transitive case. A paraitre dans J. Geometric Analysis, 26, No. 4, pp. 2542-2562, 2016. [pdf]
55. Y. Chitour, P. Kokkonen, Rolling manifolds and controllability : the 3D case. A paraitre dans Mémoires de la SMF, 147, 2016. [pdf]
54. B. Hafassa, A. Mortada, Y. Chitour, P. Kokkonen, Horizontal Holonomy for Affine Manifolds. A paraitre dans J. Dynamical Cont. Sys. 22 (3), 413-440, 2016.[pdf]
53. Y. Chitour, D. Kateb, R. Long, Generic properties of the spectrum of the Stokes system with Dirichlet boundary condition in R3. Annales de l’IHP, Non Linear Analysis, 33 (1), 119-167, (2016) [pdf]
52. Y. Chitour, M. Harmouche, S. Laghrouche, Lp-stabilization of integrator chains subject to input saturation using Lyapunov-based homogeneous design. SIAM J. Control Optim., 53(2), 948-968, (2015) [pdf]
51. Y. Chitour, M. G. Molina, P. Kokkonen, Symmetries of the rolling model. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 281 (4), 783-805, (2015) [pdf]
50. Y. Chitour, M. G. Molina, P. Kokkonen, On the Controllability of the Rolling Problem onto the Hyperbolic n-space. SIAM J. Control Optim., 53(2), 948-968, (2015), [pdf]
49. A. Mortada, Y. Chitour, P. Kokkonen, Rolling Manifolds of Different Dimensions. Acta Appl. Math., 139 (1), 105-131, (2015), [pdf]
48. S. Laghrouche, M. Harmouche, F.S. Ahmed, Y. Chitour, Control of PEMFC Air-Feed System using Lyapunov-based Robust and Adaptive Higher Order Sliding Mode Control IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology 23 (4), 1594-1601, 2015, [pdf]
47. F. Pascal, Y. Chitour, R. Couillet, On the convergence of Maronna’s M-estimators of scatter IEEE Signal Process., 22(6), 709-712, (2015), [pdf]
46. S. Jlassi, S. Tliba, Y. Chitour, An event-controlled online trajectory generator based on the human-robot interaction force processing. Industrial Robot : An International Journal, Vol. 41 Iss : 1, pp.15 – 25 (2014), [pdf]
45. F. Pascal, Y. Chitour, Y. Quek, Generalized robust shrinkage estimator and its application to STAP detection problem. IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 62 (2014), no. 21, 5640–5651, [pdf]
44. Y. Chitour, F. Colonius, M. Sigalotti, Growth rates for persistently excited linear systems Math. Cont. Signals Syst. 26 (2014), n°4, 589–616, [pdf]
43. M. Harmouche, S. Laghrouche, Y. Chitour, Global tracking for underactuated ships with bounded feedback controllers. Internat. J. Control 87 (2014), n°10, 2035–2043, [pdf]
42. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, R. Long, A global steering method for nonholonomic systems. J. Diff. Eq. 254 (2013), no. 4, 1903–1956, [pdf]
41. Y. Chitour, G. Mazanti, M. Sigalotti, Stabilization of two-dimensional persistently excited linear control systems with arbitrary rate of convergence. SIAM J. Control Optim. 51 (2013), no. 2, 801–823, [pdf]
40. Y. Chitour, P. Kokkonnen, Rolling manifolds on space forms. Annales de l’IHP, Non Linear Analysis, 29 (2012), n°6, 927–954, [pdf]
39. S. Laghrouche, M. Harmouche, Y. Chitour, F. S. Ahmed, Path following for a target point attached to a unicycle type vehicle. Acta Appl. Math. 121 (2012), 29–43, [pdf]
38. Y. Chitour, P. Mason, M. Sigalotti, On the marginal instability of linear switched systems Systems Cont. Lett. 61 (2012), n°6, 747–757, [pdf]
37. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, P. Mason, Optimal control models of the goal-oriented human locomotion SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 50 p.147-170 (2012), [pdf]
36. A. Perasso, B. Laroche, Y. Chitour, S. Touzeau, Parameter identifiabilty for a PDE model of epidemiology, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 374(1) : 154-165, (2011), [pdf]
35. Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti, Persistence excitation for linear systems. SIAM J. Control Optim. 48 (2010) n°6, pp 4032-4055, [pdf]
34. F. Alouges, Y. Chitour, R. Long, A continuation method for the rolling body problem IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 6, pp. 827–836, oct, (2010), [pdf]
33. K. Beauchard, R. Long, Y. Chitour, D. Kateb, Genericity results for the controllability of a linearized Schrodinger equation. J. Funct. Anal. 256 (2009), n°12, 3916–3976, [pdf]
32. Y. Chitour, F Pascal, Existence and Characterizations of the Maxima of a family of Likelihood Ratios. IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 56 (2008), n°10, 4563-4573, [pdf]
31. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, E. Trélat, Genericity results for singular curves of control affine systems. SIAM J. Control Optim. 47 (2008), n°2, 1078–1095, [pdf]
30. P. Mason, R. Salmoni, U. Boscain,Y. Chitour, Limit optimal syntheses for control-affine systems on the sphere. SIAM J. Control Optim. 47 (2008), n°1, 111–143, [pdf]
29. A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti, A. Loria, Uniform stabilization of linear systems subject to persistent excitation. Math. Cont. Signals Syst. 20 (2008), n°2, 135–156, [pdf]
28. F. Pascal, Y. Chitour, P. Larzabal, P. Forster, J.P. Ovarlez, Existence and characterizations of the maxima of a likelihood ratio. IEEE Trans. Signal Process. no. 56 (2008), no. 1, 34–48, [pdf]
27. L. Cherfi, Y. Chitour, A numerical algorithm for coupled algebraic Riccati equations in MCV problems. Int. J. Tomogr. Stat. 5 (2007), no. W07, 121–126
26. Y. Chitour, K. Yacoubi, On the stabilization of linear discrete-time delay systems subject to input saturation. Advanced strategies in control systems with input and output constraints, 421–455, LN Control and Inform. Sci. 346, Springer, Berlin, 2007, [pdf]
25. Y. Chitour, K. Yacoubi, Stabilization and finite-gain stabilizability of delay linear systems subject to input saturation. Applications of time delay systems. pp 329–341, LN Control and Inform. Sci 352, Springer, Berlin, 2007, [pdf]
24. Y. Chitour, K. Yacoubi, Linear systems subject to input saturation and time delay : global asymptotic stabilization. The double integrator case. IEEE Trans. Autom. Cont. 52 (2007), n°5, 874–879, [pdf]
23. Y. Chitour, K. Yacoubi, Linear systems subject to input saturation and time delay : Lp-gain SIAM J. Control Optim. 45 (2006), n°3, 1084–1115, [pdf]
22. Y. Chitour, F. Grognard, G. Bastin, Equilibria and stability analysis of a branched metabolic network with feedback inhibition. Networks and Hete. Media (2006), n°1, 219–239, [pdf]
21. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, E. Trélat, Genericity results for singular curves. J. Diff. Geom. 73 (2006), n°1, 45–73, [pdf]
20. Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti, On the controllability of the Dubins problem for surfaces. II Negative curvature. SIAM J. Control Optim. 45 (2006), n°2, 457–482, [pdf]
19. P. Mason, U. Boscain, Y. Chitour, Common polynomial Lyapunov functions for linear switched systems. SIAM J. Control Optim., 45 (2006), n°1, 226–245, [pdf]
18. Y. Chitour, J. M. Coron, M. Garavello, Obstructions for steady–state controllability of some linear partial differential equations. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Series A 14 (2006), n°4, 643–672, [pdf]
17. Y. Chitour, A homotopy continuation method for trajectories generation of nonholonomic systems. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 12 (2006), n°1, 139–168, [pdf]
16. Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti, On the controllability of the Dubins problem for surfaces. I Nonnegative curvature. J. Geom. Anal. 15 (2005), n°4, 565–587, [pdf]
15. Y. Chitour, A. Marigo, B. Piccoli, Quantization of the rolling problem and application to the motion planning problem. Syst. Cont. Letters, 54, (2005), 10, pp. 999-1013, [pdf]
14. U. Boscain, Y. Chitour, Time-optimal synthesis for left-invariant control systems on SO(3) SIAM J. Control Optim. 44 (2005), n°1, 111–139, [pdf]
13. Y. Chitour, B. Piccoli, Regulation of traffic flow with traffic lights and rotatories. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, 5, (2005), 3, pp. 599-630, [pdf]
12. D. Angeli, Y. Chitour, L. Marconi, Robust stabilization via satured feedback. IEEE Trans. Autom. Cont. 50 (2005), n°12, 1997–2014, [pdf]
11. A. Bicchi, Y. Chitour, A. Marigo, Reachability and steering of rolling polyhedra : a case study in discrete nonholonomy. IEEE Trans. Autom. Cont., Vol 49 (2004), n°5, 710–726, [pdf]
10. Y. Chitour, Z. Lin, Finite-gain lp stabilization of discrete-time linear systems subject to actuator saturation : the Case of p = 1. IEEE Trans. Autom. Cont., Vol 48 (2003), n°12, 2196–2198, [pdf]
9. A. Chelouah, Y. Chitour, On the motion planning of rolling surfaces. Forum Mathematicum, Vol 15, 5, (2003) pp. 727-758, [pdf]
8. Y. Chitour, Path planning on compact Lie groups using a continuation method. Syst. and Cont. Letters, Vol 45, 5, 2002, pp. 383-392 [pdf]
7. U. Boscain, Y. Chitour, On the minimum time problem for driftless left-invariant control systems on SO(3). Comm. Pure and Appl. Anal., Vol 3, 2002, pp 1-28, [pdf]
6. Y. Chitour, Time-varying high-gain observers for numerical differentiation. IEEE Trans. Autom. Cont., Vol 47 (2002), 9, pp. 1565-1569, [pdf]
5. Y. Chitour, On the Lp-stabilization of the double integrator subject to input saturation ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., 6 (2001), 291-331, [pdf]
4. Y. Chitour, B. Piccoli, Controllability for Discrete Systems with a finite control set. Math. Cont. Signals and Syst., 14 (2001) 2, 173-193, [pdf]
3. Y. Chitour, H.J. Sussmann, Line-integral estimates and motion planning using a continuation method. Essays on mathematical robotics, 91-125, IMA Vol. Math. Appl. 104, Springer NY, (1998, [pdf]
2. W. Liu, Y. Chitour, E.D. Sontag, On finite-gain Stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation. SIAM J. Control Optim., 34-4, pp. 1190-1219 (1996), [pdf]
1. Y. Chitour, W. Liu, E.D. Sontag, On the continuity and incremental gain properties of certain saturated linear feedback loops. Int. J. of Robust and Nonlin. Control, 5, pp. 413-440 (1995), [pdf]
4. Y. Chitour, M. G. Molina, P. Kokkonen, The rolling problem : overview and challenges. Geometric Control Theory and Sub-Riemannian Geometry, 103-122. Springer International Publishing (2014), [pdf]
3. Y. Chitour, G. Mazanti, M. Sigalotti, Stabilization of persistently excited linear systems. In J Daafouz, S. Tarbouriech, M. Sigalotti, editors, Hybrid Systems with Constraints, chapter 4. Wiley-ISTE, London, UK, 2013, [pdf]
2. Y. Chitour, E. Trélat, Controllability of partial differential equations. Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory, Lecture Notes from FAP 2005, Vol. 328 (2006), F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. Loria, E. Panteley (Eds), 171–198, [pdf]
1. Y. Chitour, F. Grognard, G. Bastin, Stability analysis of a metabolic model with sequential feedback inhibition. Positive systems (Rome, 2003), 143–150, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 294, Springer, Berlin, 2003, [pdf]
1. W. Liu, Y. Chitour, E.D. Sontag, “Remarks on finite gain stabilizability of linear systems subject to input saturation » Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Antonio, Dec. 1993, IEEE Publica- tions, 1993, pp. 1808-1813
2. Y. Chitour, W. Liu, E.D. Sontag, “On the continuity and incremental gain properties of certain saturated linear feedback loops,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Orlando, Dec. 1994, IEEE Publications, 1994, pp. 127-132
3. A. Bicchi, Y. Chitour, A. Marigo, D. Prattichizzo : “Dexterity through Rolling : Towards Manipulation of Unknown Objects”, invited session by F. Wahl on Recent Advances in Robotics, Third Int Symp. on Methods and Models for Automation and Robotics, MMAR96, pp. 879–886 1996, [pdf]
4. A. Marigo, Y. Chitour, A. Bicchi, “Manipulation of Polyhedral parts by rolling”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp.2992–2997, 1997, [pdf]
5. U. Boscain, Y. Chitour, B. Piccoli, “Time Optimal Control of a Satellite with Two Rotors”, Proceeding of the European Control Conference, ECC 2001, 4-7 Settembre, 2001 Seminario de Vilar, Porto, Portogallo, 1721-1725
6. A. Chelouah, Y. Chitour, “Motion planning of rolling surfaces,” Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2001 pp. 502 – 507
7. Y. Chitour, F. Grognard, G. Bastin, “Stability analysis of a metabolic model with sequential feedback inhibition,” Positive systems (Rome, 2003), 143–150, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 294, Springer, Berlin, 2003
8. Y. Chitour, A. Marigo, B. Piccoli “Quantization of the Rolling Body Problem with Applications to Motion Planning”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HAWAII, Usa 2003, pp. 1345 – 1350, [pdf]
9. Y. Chitour and Z. Lin, “Finite gain l/sub p/stabilization of discrete-time linear systems subject to actuator saturation : the case of p = 1,” Conf. on Decision and Control, Maui, HAWAII, Usa 2003, pp. 5663 – 5666
10. U. Boscain, Y. Chitour, “Time Optimal Synthesis for a So(3)-Left-Invariant Control System on a Sphere,” Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Maui, HAWAII, Usa pp. 2740-2745, (2003)
11. D. Angeli, Y. Chitour, L. Marconi, “New results on robust stabilization via saturated feedback,” Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Maui, HAWAII, Usa pp.4445 -4450. (2003)
12. Y. Chitour, A. Marigo, B. Piccoli, “Time Optimal Control for Quantized Input Systems”, IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), 2004
13. P. Mason, U. Boscain, Y.Chitour, “On the Minimal Degree of a Common Polynomial Lyapunov Functions for Planar Switched Systems”, Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control December 14-17, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas (2004), pp. 2786-2791
14. B. Haut, G. Bastin, Y. Chitour, “A macroscopic traffic model for road networks with a representation of the capacity drop phenomenon at the junctions”, Tu-M01-TP/3, Proceedings 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 4-8 2005
15. L. Cherfi, Y. Chitour, H. Abou-Kandil, “A new algorithm for solving coupled algebraic Ricatti equations”’ Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Vienna, Austria, Nov 2005
16. A. Loria, A. Chaillet, G. Besanon, Y. Chitour, “On PE stabilization of time varying systems : open questions and preliminary answers” 2005, Proc. 44th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr. pp. 6847 – 6852
17. Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti,“ Dubins problem on surfaces” IEEE proceedings, CDC 2005 Sevilla, pp. 1439 – 1444
18. K. Yacoubi, Y. Chitour, “Stabilization and finite-gain stabilizability of continuous-time delay linear systems subject to input saturation,” Conf. Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC ’05. 44th IEEE Conference, Dec. 2005, Sevilla, pp. 5036 – 5041
19. Y. Chitour, J.-M. Coron, M. Garavello, “On conditions that prevent steady-state controllability of certain linear partial differential equations,” CDC-ECC ’05. 44th IEEE Conference, Dec. 2005 pp 1068 – 1073
20. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, E. Trélat, “Singular trajectories of driftless and control-affine systems”, CDC-ECC ’05 Sevilla, 44th IEEE Conference, Dec. 2005, pp. 940 – 944
21. L. Cherfi, Y. Chitour, “A new algorithm for coupled algebraic Ricatti equations in MCV pro- blem”, Lecture notes in Computer Science, Springer Links, Workshop on Network Economics, Hong Kong, Dec. 2005
22. L. Cherfi, Y. Chitour, H. Abou-Kandil, “A new algorithm for solving coupled algebraic Ricatti equations, ”’ Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Vienna, Austria Nov. 2005
23. Y. Chitour, M. Sigalotti, “Persistence excitation for linear systems”, CDC-CCC 09 Shangai, 48th IEEE Conference, Dec. 2009.
24. Y. Tan, E. Trélat, Y. Chitour, D. Nesic, “Sampled-data Control of Linear Distributed Parameter Systems,” CDC-CCC 09 Shangai, Dec. 2009.
25. F. Alouges, Y. Chitour, R. Long, “A continuation method for the rolling body problem,” CDC- CCC 09 Shangai, Dec. 2009.
26. K. Beauchard, Y. Chitour, D. Kateb, R. Long, “Genericity results for the controllability of a linearized Schrodinger equation,” CDC-CCC 09 Shangai, Dec. 2009. CCC 09 Shangai,
28. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, R. Long, “A global steering algorithm for nonholonomic problems,” CDC- CCC 09 Shangai, Dec. 2009
29. Y. Chitour, F. Jean, R. Long, “An exact global steering algorithm for nilpotent nonholonomic problems,” CDC-CCC 10 Atlanta, 49th IEEE Conference, Dec. 2010
30. Y. Chitour, P. Mason M. Sigalotti, “Marginal stability of linear switched systems,” CDC-CCC 10 Atlanta, 49th IEEE Conference, Dec. 2010
31. S. Laghrouche, M. Harmouche, Y. Chitour, “Target-Point Based Path Following Controller for Car- Type Vehicle Using Bounded Feedback”, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2012, Maui Hawaii, pp. 562-567
32. M. Harmouche, S. Laghrouche, Y. Chitour, “Robust and Adaptive Higher Order Sliding Mode Controllers,” 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2012, Maui Hawaii, pp. 6436-6441
33. F. Pascal, Y. Chitour, “Shrinkage covariance matrix estimator applied to STAP detection,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, SSP-14, Gold Coast, Australia, 2014
34. Z. Chen, J.-B. Caillau, Y. Chitour, “Conjugate Point Tests for Fuel-Optimal Orbital Transfers”, poster in NetCo 2014 Conference on New Trends in Optimal Control, June 23-27, Tours, France
35. Z. Chen, J.-B. Caillau, Y. Chitour, ‘’Chattering Arcs in Fuel-Optimal Orbital Transfers”, poster in Special Semester on New Trends in Calculus of Variations, Linz, Austria, October 13 – December 12, 2014
36. A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, »Strong iISS for neutrally stable systems by saturated linear state feedback, » Chinese Control Conference (CCC), pp. 459 – 463, 2015
37. J. Laporte, A. Chaillet, Y. Chitour, »Global stabilization of multiple integrators by a bounded feedback with its successive derivatives, » CDC 2015, Osaka, Japon
38. Y. Chitour, P. Mason, M. Sigalotti, »Quasi-Barabanov semigroups and finiteness of the L_2-induced gain for switched linear control systems: case of full-state observation, » CDC 2015, Osaka, Japon
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