Quantum coherent and measurement feedback control based on atoms coupled with a semi-infinite waveguide
Feedback stabilization via a quantum projection filter
Robust estimate for count time series using GLARMA models: An application to environmental and epidemiological data
Exponential stabilizability and observability at the target imply semiglobal exponential stabilizability by templated output feedback
Nonlinear Controller for MMC-HVdc Operating in Grid-Forming Mode
Channel and Space-based Joint Rate Allocation Algorithm
Optimal resource allocation for the transport of multi-modal visual-haptic metaverse flows in 5G
A practical HW-aware NAS flow for AI vision applications on embedded heterogeneous SoCs
Jerk-Limited Railway Trajectories With Minimal Distance Between Waypoints
Design of Quasipolynomial-Based Controllers with Dynamical Parameters—Application to Active Vibration Damping
From Nash to Cournot-Nash via $\Gamma$-convergence