Associate Professor
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Human arm endpoint-impedance in rhythmic human-robot interaction exhibits cyclic variations
Task-level dexterous manipulation with multifingered hand under modeling uncertainties
Guaranteed Set-Membership State Estimation of an Octorotor’s Position for Radar Applications
Performance quantification of observer-based robot impact detection under modeling uncertainties
The self-organization of ball bouncing
Model of rhythmic ball bouncing using a visually controlled neural oscillator
Modeling and Preview Hinfinity Control Design for Motion Control of Elastic-Joint Robots With Uncertainties
Adaptive filtering for robust proprioceptive robot impact detection under model uncertainties
Human Arm Stiffness Changes in a Ball-Bouncing Task and its Effects on Stability and Performance
Evaluation of intelligent collaborative robots: a review
Human arm impedance estimation in dynamic human-robot interaction, a preliminary study
Towards a seamless experimental protocol for human arm impedance estimation in an interactive dynamic task
Interactive robotics for human impedance estimation in a rhythmic task
Influence of the Object Stiffness on the Grasp Stability with Compliant Hand Based on Energetic Approach
Commande bio-inspirée de robots pour des tâches rythmiques en interaction avec l’environnement
Zonotopic set-membership state estimation applied to an octorotor model
LPV Modeling and Control for Dexterous Manipulation with a Multifingered Hand under Geometric Uncertainties
Integrating Experimental Data Sets and Simulation Codes for Students into a MOOC on Aerial Robotics
Modeling a Predictive Control of Human Locomotion Based on the Dynamic Behavior
Set-membership state estimation of an octorotor applied to radar imaging
Modeling and Motion Control of Serial Robots with Flexible Joints
Modélisation, Identification et Commande de Robots à Articulations Flexibles
Method for the improved detection of the collision of a robot with its environment, system and computer program product implementing said method
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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