
UQSay #27

Date : 01/04/2021
Catégorie(s) : ,
Lieu : Online (Teams)

The twenty-seventh UQSay seminar on UQ, DACE and related topics, organized by L2S, MSSMAT, LMT and EDF R&D, will take place online on Thursday afternoon, April 1, 2021.

2–3 PM — Julien Pelamatti (EDF R&D) — [slides]

Bayesian optimization of variable-size design space problems

Within the framework of complex system design, it is often necessary to solve mixed variable optimization problems, in which the objective and constraint functions can depend simultaneously on continuous and discrete variables. Additionally, complex system design problems occasionally present a variable-size design space. This results in an optimization problem for which the search space varies dynamically (with respect to both number and type of variables) along the optimization process as a function of the values of specific discrete decision variables. Similarly, the number and type of constraints can vary as well. In this paper, two alternative Bayesian optimization-based approaches are proposed in order to solve this type of optimization problems. The first one consists of a budget allocation strategy allowing to focus the computational budget on the most promising design sub-spaces. The second approach, instead, is based on the definition of a kernel function allowing to compute the covariance between samples characterized by partially different sets of variables. The results obtained on analytical and engineering related test-cases show a faster and more consistent convergence of both proposed methods with respect to the standard approaches.

Joint work with Loic Brevault (ONERA), Mathieu Balesdent (ONERA), El-Ghazali Talbi (Inria Lille), Yannick Guerin (CNES).

Ref: arXiv:2003.03300.

Organizing committee: Julien Bect (L2S), Emmanuel Vazquez (L2S), Didier Clouteau (MSSMAT), Filippo Gatti (MSSMAT), Fernando Lopez Caballero (MSSMAT), Amélie Fau (LMT), Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D).

Practical details: the seminar will be held online using Microsoft Teams.

If you want to attend this seminar (or any of the forthcoming online UQSay seminars), and if you do not already have access to the UQSay group on Teams, simply send an email and you will be invited. Please specify which email address the invitation must be sent to (this has to be the address associated with your Teams account).

You will find the link to the seminar on the « General » UQSay channel on Teams, approximately 15 minutes before the beginning.

The technical side of things: you can use Teams either directly from you web browser or using the « fat client », which is available for most platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android & iOS). We strongly recommend the latter option whenever possible. Please give it a try before the seminar to anticipate potential problems.