
Séminaire de Carlos E. T. Dórea

Date : 14/04/2022
Catégorie(s) : ,
Lieu : Salle du conseil (L2S)

14h00-15h00 – Salle du conseil (L2S)

Output Feedback Regulation and Reference Tracking for Constrained Linear Systems Using Invariant Sets

Carlos E. T. Dórea (UFRN, Brazil)

Abstract. Design of output feedback controllers applied to regulation and reference tracking problems for constrained linear discrete-time systems is the subject of this talk. Output Feedback Controlled Invariant (OFCI) polyhedral sets are used to ensure that state and input constraints are satisfied even in the presence of additive disturbances and measurement noise. Static as well as dynamic observer-based feedback controllers are analysed. Based on the measured output and on the observer state, a suitable control sequence is computed via Linear Programming to enforce the constraints. The uncertainty on the state is progressively reduced using information about the contraction of the involved invariant sets. As illustrated through numerical examples, by incorporating the observer into the compensator structure and using the OFCI concept, it is possible to obtain solutions with larger sets of admissible initial states compared to other approaches reported in the literature.

Biography. Carlos E. T. Dórea obtained a D.Sc. degree in « Automatique » from Université Paul Sabatier, France, in 1997. Since then, he has held various positions at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA, Brazil) and at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, Brazil), where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Automation. He is broadly interested in control theory and applications, mainly focused in linear systems theory and design, set-invariance techniques for control and state estimation under constraints, and model predictive control applications.