Guillaume SANDOU
Professor, CentraleSupélec, University Paris-Saclay
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Robust satisfaction of nonlinear performance constraints using barrier-based model predictive control
Modelling and flexible predictive control of building space-heating demand in district heating systems
Advanced Metaheuristics-based Tuning of Effective Design Parameters for Model Predictive Control
Wind farm distributed PSO-based control for constrained power generation maximization
Optimal tuning of H ∞ fixed-structure robust controller against multiple high-level requirements using evolutionary computation
Line of sight controller tuning using Bayesian optimisation: application to a double stage stabilisation platform
Discussion on » A Differential Algebraic Estimator for Sensorless Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive
Discussion on » AC Drive Observability Analysis
Méthodes de synthèse de correcteurs robustes d’ordre réduit pour les boucles de stabilisation inertielle de Ligne de Visée
Particle Swarm Optimization for the design of Hinfini static output feedbacks
GTP-UDrive: Unified Game-Theoretic Trajectory Planner and Decision-Maker for Autonomous Driving in Mixed Traffic Environments
An Interactive Game Theory-PSO Based Comprehensive Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Decision Making and Trajectory Planning
Challenges for Control Engineering Curricula Motivating 800 Students via Current Trends in Industry and Research
A Comprehensive Framework to Determine Lyapunov Functions for a Set of Continuous Time Stability Problems
How to efficiently handle 300 projects on Model Representations and Analysis?
Electrical Grid Flexibility via Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Control
Energy-based Method to Simplify Complex Multi-Energy Modelica Models
Model Predictive Control Modular Approach for Multi-Source System Management
A Neural Autopilot Training Platform based on a Matlab and X-Plane co-simulation
Modeling for control of Multi Energy Systems based on a physical description in Modelica: application to a city district
Functional Model-Based Arbitration Strategies Between System Missions: An Application to the Electric Vehicle
A Discrete-Time PID-like Consensus Control: Application to the Wind Farm Distributed Control Problem
800 students using Matlab during a new course on Systems Modeling at CentraleSupélec
Optimisation métaheuristique pour la conception de lois de commande
Metaheuristic optimization for the design of automatic control laws
Optimisation technico économique des réseaux d’énergie électrique
Technico-economic Optimization of Energy Networks
Using monobjective and multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization for the tuning of process control laws
Ant colonies for the unit commitment problem : from optimization to predictive control
Colonie de fourmis pour le problème d’affectation d’unités : de l’optimisation à la commande prédictive
Particle Swarm Optimization based NMPC: An Application to District Heating Networks
Non linear predictive control : structure, computational challenges, stochastic optimization algorithms
Enhanced genetic algorithm with guarantee of feasibility for the Unit Commitment problem
Outils mathématiques
Mixed ant colony optimisation for the Unit Commitment problem
Représentation des signaux et systèmes
Ant colony and genetic algorithm for constrained predictive control of power systems
Pilotage d’un parc éolien
Procédé de commande d’une machine électrique triphasée synchrone à rotor bobiné
Procédé de commande d’une machine électrique synchrone à rotor bobiné
Procédé et système de commande d’une machine électrique synchrone à aimant permanent.
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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