L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Reproducibility via neural fields of visual illusions induced by localized stimuli
A mathematical model of the visual MacKay effect
Weyl’s law for singular Riemannian manifolds
Beyond $\ell$1 sparse coding in V1
Horizontal magnetic fields and improved Hardy inequalities in the Heisenberg group
A cortical-inspired sub-Riemannian model for Poggendorff-type visual illusions
A bio-inspired geometric model for sound reconstruction
Worst Exponential Decay Rate for Degenerate Gradient flows subject to persistent excitation
Point interactions for 3D sub-Laplacians
Cortical-inspired Wilson-Cowan-type equations for orientation-dependent contrast perception modelling
Homogeneous observer for a low-dimensional neural fields model of cortical activity
Cortical origins of MacKay-type visual illusions: A case for the non-linearity
Reproducing Sensory Induced Hallucinations via Neural Fields
An auditory cortex model for sound processing
A bio-inspired geometric model for sound reconstruction
On the decay rate for degenerate gradient flows subject to persistent excitation
A cortical-inspired model for orientation-dependent contrast perception: a link with Wilson-Cowan equations
Image inpainting via a control-theoretical model of human vision
Cortical-inspired image reconstruction via sub-Riemannian geometry and hypoelliptic diffusion
Image processing in the semidiscrete group of rototranslations
MacKay-Type Visual Illusions via Neural Fields
A semidiscrete version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognition
Almost-Periodic Interpolation and Approximation
Pattern Recognition
Image Reconstruction
Geometry and analysis of control-affine systems: motion planning, heat and Schrödinger evolution
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
©2025 L2S - Tous droits réservés, reproduction interdite.