Frédéric MAZENC
DR Inria Saclay, EPI DISCO
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Frédéric Mazenc is currently « Directeur de Recherche » (senior researcher) Inria, EPI DISCO. He is a member of the Laboratory of Signal and Systems (UMR 8506), CNRS, CentraleSupelec, Université Paris Sud.
He is
– 2019 : Membre de la Commission de Développement Technologique.
He is author and co-author of 321 publications which include 1 research monograph, 159 journal papers and chapters of books, 161 published conference papers.
Former Appointments
– 2017 – Correspondant Inria Saclay A.M.I.E.S.,
Sept. 2014-Jan. 2019: member of the « commission scientifique du CRI Saclay – Île-de- France »,
Sept. 2015-Oct. 2018, president of the « commission scientifique du CRI Saclay -île-de- France ».
January 2004 – Décember 2009. Position held: Second Research Scientist (Chargé de recherche), CR1 Inria, in the project MERE of the Inria Sophia-Antipolis.
March 2002 – December 2003. Position held: Second Research Scientist (Chargé de recherche), CR1 Inria, in the project CONGE of the Inria Nancy.
October 1999 – March 2002. Position held: Third Research Scientist CR2 Inria, in the project CONGE of the Inria Nancy.
September 1997 – August 1999. Research Associate in the Centre for Process Systems Engineering at the Imperial College, UK.
September 1996 – August 1997. Research Associate in the CESAME at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Mathématiques), University of Montpellier II, February 2007.
PhD, Doctorat de Mathématique et Automatique, l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, April 1996.
D.E.A. de Mathematiques, University of Paris XI, Orsay, June 1991. Maitrise de Mathématiques, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, June 1991.
Habilitation à diriger les recherches en sciences :
« Analyse de stabilité et commande de systèmes non linéaires. » Spécialité: mathématiques.
Soutenue le 12 février 2007 à l’université Montpellier II.
Rapport 1, rapport 2, rapport 3.
Doctorat :
« Stabilisation de trajectoire, ajout d’intégration, commande saturée. »
Doctorat de Mathématique et Automatique, obtenu le 22 avril 1996.
Etablissement d’origine du diplôme : Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech).
Directeur de thèse : Laurent Praly.
Logiciel FEMMES,
Crée par Saeed Ahmed, Meysam Ghomi et Frédéric Mazenc.
Le logiciel permet de simuler un observateur à convergence en temps fini. Pour le télécharger:
Member of the International Program Committee of the International Conference on Systems and Control, November 23-25 2022, Marseille, France.
Member of the program committee of the 2022 American Control Conference, https://acc2022.a2c2.og
Member of the program committee of 14th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Control Systems,
Member of the International Program Committee and Associate Editor of the IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS), Montreal, Canada, 2022.
Editor of the Asian Journal of Control.
Since April 2023, Associate Editor of Automatica
Associate Editor of IEEE Control Systems Letters.
Former member of the European Journal of Control editorial board.
Former Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Former Associate Editor for the Journal of Control and Decision.
Former Member of the Mathematical Control and Related Fields editorial board. Former Associate Editor for the Asian Journal of control.
Former member du « Conseil du Laboratory of Signal and Systems« .
Co-Editor of Recent Results on Nonlinear Delay Control Systems, Springer, Advances in Delays and Dynamics, Volume 4 2016, Editors: M. Malisoff, P. Pepe, F. Mazenc, I. Karafyllis,
Associate editor for the conferences :
– European Control Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, (2019).
– European Control Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2021).
– European Control Conference, London, UK (2022).
– European Control Conference, Bucarest, Romania (2023).
– European Control Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (2024).
– European Control Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece (2025).
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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