L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Feedback stabilization via a quantum projection filter
An Automata Theoretic Approach to Observer Design for Switched Linear Systems
Upper and lower bounds for the maximal Lyapunov exponent of singularly perturbed linear switching systems
On universal classes of Lyapunov functions for linear switched systems
Exact solution and projection filters for open quantum systems subject to imperfect measurements
Stability of Shuffled Switched Linear Systems: A Joint Spectral Radius Approach
Lyapunov characterization of uniform exponential stability for nonlinear infinite-dimensional systems
Almost global attitude stabilisation of an underactuated axially symmetric 3-D pendulum
Characterization of linear switched systems admitting a Barabanov norm
Robust feedback stabilization of N-level quantum spin systems
Controllability properties of a continuously monitored qubit
Necessary conditions for the stability of singularly perturbed linear systems with switching slow-fast behaviors
Stability criteria for singularly perturbed linear switching systems
Some remarks on the stabilisation problem and the stabilisability radius for linear switched systems
Stability of discrete-time switched linear systems with ω-regular switching sequences
On the Joint Spectral Radius of Shuffled Switched Linear Systems
On the robustness of stabilizing feedbacks for quantum spin-1/2 systems
Almost global attitude stabilisation of a 3-D pendulum by means of two control torques
On estimation and feedback control of spin-1/2 systems with unknown initial states
On the decay rate for degenerate gradient flows subject to persistent excitation
A Joint Spectral Radius for $$\omega $$-Regular Language-Driven Switched Linear Systems
Stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems: a converse Lyapunov approach
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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