Antoine GIRARD
Senior researcher
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Approches symboliques pour le contrôle des systèmes non linéaires
Synthesis of Input-to-State Attractivity Controllers for Transition Systems with Disturbances
Nonstandard anti-windup approach for event-triggered control purpose
Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Systems Under Büchi-Constrained Signals
An Automata Theoretic Approach to Observer Design for Switched Linear Systems
Data-Driven Models of Monotone Systems
From Relaxed Constraint Satisfaction to p-Invariance of Sets
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on K-step Control Invariant Sets
Event-triggered Neural Network Control using Quadratic Constraints for Perturbed Systems
Safe Learning-Based Model Predictive Control Using The Compatible Models Approach
Symbolically Synthesized Motion Primitives for Autonomous Navigation
Identification of the Bandwidth of a Magneto-Inertial Navigation Filter
Online Learning for Safe Model Predictive Control with the Compatible Models Approach ⋆
Memoryless concretization relation
Magneto-Inertial Dead-Reckoning Navigation with Walk Dynamic Model in Indoor Environment
Minimization of Parameter Sensitivity to Pre-Estimation Errors and its Application to the Calibration of Magnetometer Arrays
Invariant Sets for Assume-Guarantee Contracts
Predictive and Symbolic Control: Performance and Safety for Non-linear Systems
Stability of discrete-time switched linear systems with ω-regular switching sequences
On the Joint Spectral Radius of Shuffled Switched Linear Systems
Layers Update of Neural Network Control via Event-Triggering Mechanism
A Joint Spectral Radius for $$\omega $$-Regular Language-Driven Switched Linear Systems
Singular perturbation approach for linear coupled ODE-PDE systems
Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints
Stability analysis of singularly perturbed switched linear systems
Stabilizability and control co-design for discrete-time switched linear systems
Timing contracts for multi-core embedded control systems
Symbolic synthesis for cyber-physical systems
Tools for the Analysis of Hybrid Models
Outils pour l’analyse des modèles hybrides
Analyse Algorithmique des Systèmes Hybrides
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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