Associate Professor
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Deinterleaving RADAR emitters with optimal transport distances
Representation of Operators using Fusion Frames
Maximum likelihood estimators and Cramér-Rao bounds for the localization of an acoustical source with asynchronous arrays
Gridless covariance matrix fitting methods for three dimensional acoustical source localization
Theoretical analysis of beamforming steering vector formulations for acoustic source localization
Numerical Full Inversion of Two Dielectric Cylinders Upon a Metallic Plane: a First Step Toward Forest Parameters Retrieval from VHF to P-Band Radar Data
Gridless three-dimensional compressive beamforming with the Sliding Frank-Wolfe algorithm
Design of switching sequences for sine parameters estimation on switched antenna arrays
Theoretical analysis of the DAMAS algorithm and efficient implementation of the Covariance Matrix Fitting method for large-scale problems
Optimizing Source and Sensor Placement for Sound Field Control: An Overview
An investigation of the performances of asynchronous measurements methods
Application de la factorisation en matrices non-négatives à la séparation de sources acoustiques dans le bruit de turbomachines
Une méthode de Gradient Boosting d’Arbre de Décision explicative basée sur l’algorithme de Frank-Wolfe
Méthode sans grille pour la localisation de sources à partir de mesures asynchrones
Désentrelacement et classification des émetteurs RADARs basés sur l’utilisation des distances de Transport Optimal
Désentrelacement et classification de signaux RADAR basés sur des distances de transport optimal
RADAR Emitter Classification with Optimal Transport Distances
Gridfree source localization using the sliding Frank-Wolfe algorithm
Some results on the convergence of the damas algorithm and application to large scale problems
Deinterleaving and Clustering unknown RADAR pulses
Approximation of solutions to the Helmholtz equation from scattered data
Contributions méthodologiques et expérimentales à la localisation de sources acoustiques
Approximations parcimonieuses et problèmes inverses en acoustique
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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