L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
A new hybrid message passing algorithm for joint user activity detection, channel estimation and data decoding in grant-free OFDM-IDMA
Toward 6G Vehicle-to-Everything Sidelink: Nonorthogonal Multiple Access in the Autonomous Mode
Analysis of a continuous-time adaptive voter model
Stability analysis of a socially inspired adaptive voter model
On the Design of Sidelink for Cellular V2X: A Literature Review and Outlook for Future
Performance Analysis of Sidelink 5G-V2X Mode 2 Through an Open-Source Simulator
On Wireless Blind Spots in the C-V2X Sidelink
On Latency and Reliability of Road Hazard Warnings Over the Cellular V2X Sidelink Interface
Enhancing cooperative driving in IEEE 802.11 vehicular networks through full-duplex radios
Full-Duplex Radios for Vehicular Communications
Opinion and self-confidence in influence networks: a coupled dynamics model
A two-layer opinion dynamics model coupling static and bounded-confidence interactions
A two-layer opinion dynamics model coupling static and bounded-confidence interactions
On the performance of SIC-based NOMA in the C-V2X sidelink autonomous mode
Joint use of Self and Successive Interference Cancellation in V2X Sidelink with Autonomous Resource Allocation
Stochastic approximation of adaptive voter models
Enhancing the 5G-V2X Sidelink Autonomous Mode through Full-Duplex Capabilities
Low-complexity dynamic channel estimation in multi-antenna grant-free NOMA
A voter model on adaptive networks
Improving Resource Allocation for beyond 5G V2X Sidelink Connectivity
Relaying method and device and destination with feedback in an OMAMRC system
Method for transmitting a digital signal for a system having at least one dynamic half-duplex relay with selective logic, corresponding program product and relay device
Dynamic and selective FD-DSDF transmission of a digital signal for a MARC/MAMRC system with full-duplex relay and a limited feedback
Method for transmitting a digital signal for a marc system with a plurality of dynamic half-duplex relays, corresponding program product and relay device
Method for transmitting a digital signal for a marc system having a dynamic half-duplex relay, corresponding program product and relay device
Method and device for flexible, selective ssdf relaying
Method for dynamic and selective fd-dsdf transmission of a digital signal for a mamrc system with several full-duplex relays, and corresponding program product and relay device
Method for dynamic and selective fd-dsdf transmission of a digital signal for a marc system with a full-duplex relay, and corresponding program product and relay device
Method and device for predicting the performance of a system for communication over a transmission channel
Method for transmitting a digital signal for a marc system with a plurality of dynamic half-duplex relays, corresponding program product and relay device
Method for transmitting a digital signal for a marc system having a dynamic half-duplex relay, corresponding program product and relay device
Method and a device for relaying in a communications network
Method of transmitting a digital signal for a marc system with a full-duplex relay, a corresponding program product and relay device
Method for transmitting a digital signal for a semi-orthogonal MARC system having half-duplex relay, and corresponding program product and relay device
Procédé et dispositif de réception de signaux
Procédé de transmission dynamique et sélectif FD-DSDF d’un signal numérique pour un système MARC avec plusieurs relais full-duplex, produit programme et dispositif relais correspondants
Procédé de transmission dynamique et sélectif FD-DSDF d’un signal numérique pour un système MARC avec un relai full-duplex, produit programme et dispositif relais correspondants
Method for sending and receiving a signal in a multiple-antenna system implementing spatial pre-encoding, corresponding sender, receiver and computer program products
Adaptive method of transmitting and receiving a signal in a multi-antenna system, corresponding transmission and reception devices, computer program products and signal
Method for transmitting a digital signal in a semi-orthogonal frame system having a half-duplex relay, and correspoding program product and relay device
Method for transmitting a digital signal in a MARC system with a half-duplex relay, and corresponding program product and relay device
Method for transmitting a digital signal in a MARC system with a full-duplex relay, and corresponding program product and relay device
Codage de réseau ayant une diversité pleine pour un système MARC
Codage de réseau pour un système MARC half-duplex avec liens semi-orthogonaux bruités
Codage de réseau pour un système MARC avec liens bruités non-orthogonaux
Procédé de multiplexage spatial avec optimisation de l’émetteur et système de réception correspondant
Procédé adaptatif d’émission et réception d’un signal dans un système multi antennes, dispositifs d’émission et de réception, produits programme d’ordinateur et signals correspondants
Procédé d’émission et réception d’un signal dans un système multi antennes, dispositifs d’émission et de réception, produits programme d’ordinateur et signals correspondants
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
©2025 L2S - Tous droits réservés, reproduction interdite.