Évènements / Energy@L2S

Évènements à venir

Sitck slip vibrations in drilling: modeling, estimation, avoidance

Thursday 17th February at 14:00, both physically in Salle du Conseil (4th floor), Bât. Breguet, and online via Microsoft Teams Salle du Conseil (4th floor), Bât. Breguet, CentraleSupélec3 rue Joliot Curie91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Link Microsoft Teams: Click here to join the meetingLearn More | Meeting options Speaker: Jean Auriol, CNRS researcher at L2S, Paris-Saclay University Title: Sitck […]



Le mercredi 20 octobre 2021 de 9h00 à 16h00, à distance, EDF et CentraleSupélec ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la 8ème journée scientifique de RISEGrid, institut de recherche dédié à l’étude des systèmes électriques intelligents. Pour vous inscrire :https://evenium-site.com/site/journee-scientifique-2021-de-l-institut-risegrid;jsessionid=HVEQ0Y0bt-VwFz3Xjd3Aiqag.gl1 Programme :8h50-9h00 Ouverture du Teams 9h00-9h15 Mot d’ouverture – Direction scientifique de la R&D d’EDFActualités de l’institut RISEGrid […]


Workshop of the RTE Chair

Wednesday 16th June  The workshop of the RTE Chair (https://rtechair.fr/) at CentraleSupélec intends to be a forum of presentations and discussions on the topics related to the “The Digital Transformation of Electricity Networks”. The program is available at https://csrte21.sciencesconf.org/ The program outlines the main research topics of the Chair. This edition will host several talks […]


Modeling for control of Multi Energy Systems based on a physical description in Modelica: application to a city district

Tuesday 13th April at 14:00 via Microsoft Teams atClick here to join the meetingLearn More | Meeting options Speaker: Joy El Feghali, PhD student at Paris-Saclay University Title: Modeling for control of Multi Energy Systems based on a physical description in Modelica: application to a city district Abstract: The environmental pressure associated with the development of control possibilities of […]


Analysis and representation of non-stationary signals in inertia-reduced power grids

Friday 26th March at 9:30 via Microsoft Teams following this link Speakers: Prof. M. Paolone, Dr. A. Derviškadić, Dr. G. Frigo and A. KarpilowAbstract – Power systems are rapidly evolving towards low-inertia networks and system operators are facing new challenges to operate their grids safely. Specifically, they are facing a significant increase in renewable energy sources and inverter-connected […]
