Nina Hadis Amini, Prix de la “Jeune femme scientifique”
Marco Di Renzo récompensé pour ses travaux sur les métamatériaux et les réseaux sans fil. Portrait ici :
Avis de Soutenance Monsieur Arzhang Shahbazi Soutiendra publiquement ses travaux de thèse intitulés “Machine Learning Techniques for UAV-Assisted Networks” dirigés par Monsieur Marco Di Renzo Soutenance prévue le lundi 21 novembre 2022 à 14h00URL salle virtuelle : secret : 45T6RN Composition du jury proposé M. Marco Di Renzo CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay Directeur de thèse M. Jalel Ben Othman […]
The fifty-first UQSay seminar on UQ, DACE and related topics will take place online on Thursday afternoon, November 17, 2022. 2–3 PM — Cécile Mercadier (Institut Camille Jordan) — [slides] Hoeffding–Sobol and Möbius decompositions for (tail-)dependence analysis Methods to analyse dependence and tail dependence are well established. Using for instance the copula function or the […]
13h40–14h00 — Amphi Gaston Planté, B2.33 (L2S) An approach for safe learning-based Model Predictive Control Anas Makdesi (L2S) Abstract. In this talk, I will introduce a novel approach to safe learning-based Model Predictive Control (MPC) for nonlinear systems. The approach relies on computing from data sampled from a given system, two models. The first one […]