Administrative missions
– Head of the research team SYCOMORE of L2S (since 2020)
– Co-head of the projects cluster “Pedagogical Innovation and EdTech” (since 2018)
– Deputy Head of the Professional Track on Research – “Filière Métiers de la Recherche” (2017-2022)
– 2023 Control Engineering Practice Best Paper Award: A. Venturino, C. Stoica Maniu, S. Bertrand, T. Alamo, E.F. Camacho, “Multi-vehicle localization by distributed MHE over a sensor network with sporadic measurements: Further developments and experimental results” (2023)
– Best Paper Award of the 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania: A. Venturino, S. Bertrand, C. Stoica Maniu, T. Alamo, E.F. Camacho, “Distributed moving horizon estimation with pre-estimating observer” (2020)
– Best Paper Award of the 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania: D. Merhy, C. Stoica Maniu, T. Alamo, Eduardo F. Camacho, “Ellipsoidal set-membership state estimation for descriptor systems” (2019)
– General Chairs’ Recognition Award for Interactive Papers of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China: C. Stoica, M.R. Arahal, D.E. Rivera, P. Rodriguez-Ayerbe, D. Dumur. “Application of robustified Model Predictive Control to a production-inventory system” (2009)
– Section “People in Control”, journal IEEE Control System Magazine (July, 2023).
Invited speaker
– Panel Session “Exchanges on pedagogical innovations”, GS EFE (Graduate School “Education, Formation, Enseignement”) Workshop “Behind the scenes of education and teaching professionals” (“Les coulisses des professionnels de l’éducation et de l’enseignement”), Orsay (2023).
– Invited talk on “Artistic consensus for mobile robots”, Virtual Festival WÆ – womxn from arts to engineering, Berlin (2022)
– Panel Session “Improving Students’ Learning in Control Education with Data- and Feedback- Driven Methodologies”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2019)
– Panel Session “Women in Tech” and Panel Session “Innovative pedagogies”, Matlab Expo, Paris (2019)
– Panel Session “The control curriculum for the 21st century”,12th International UKACC Conference on Control, Sheffield, UK (2018)
– IEEE Senior member (since 2017)
– Member of the IFAC Technical Committees 9.4 on Control Education (since 2017) and 9.2 on Systems and Control for Societal Impact (since 2020) of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)