L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Human arm endpoint-impedance in rhythmic human-robot interaction exhibits cyclic variations
Task-level dexterous manipulation with multifingered hand under modeling uncertainties
PMSM design optimization concerning sensorless performance and torque ripple
Improving SLM additive manufacturing operation precision with H-infinity controller structure
An efficient model predictive control based on Lyapunov function for doubly fed induction generator fed by a T-type inverter
Performance quantification of observer-based robot impact detection under modeling uncertainties
Lyapunov-Induced Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tie Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter With Dead-Time Compensation
Contour error pre-compensation for five-axis high speed machining: offline gain adjustment approach
The self-organization of ball bouncing
Perturbations in polyhedral partitions and the related fragility of piecewise affine control.
Model-based dynamical voltage prediction of Zinc-Air cell for piecewise discharge currents
Human Arm Stiffness Changes in a Ball-Bouncing Task and its Effects on Stability and Performance
PWA control functions: from the projection of mpQP solution and back to the convexification by lifting
On the inverse optimality of a class of PWA functions through liftings
Challenges for Control Engineering Curricula Motivating 800 Students via Current Trends in Industry and Research
Model-based Voltage Prediction for a Zinc-Air Cell subject to Piecewise Constant Discharge Currents
Robust PWA control Based on State Space Partitions
Fragility Margin of PWA Control Laws using A Hyperplane Based Binary Search Tree
A Comprehensive Framework to Determine Lyapunov Functions for a Set of Continuous Time Stability Problems
Dovetail Design Solution Of PMSM Using Stainless Steel For Sensorless Performance Improvement
Fully inverse parametric linear/quadratic programming problems via convex liftings
Implications of Inverse Parametric Optimization in Model Predictive Control
Commande prédictive des systèmes hybrides. Application à la commande de systèmes en électronique de puissance
Commande prédictive des systèmes hybrides. Application à la commande d’un convertisseur Buck
A model predictive control approach for the Pantograph-Catenary positioning system
Commande prédictive explicite d’un convertisseur Buck
Youla-Kucera parameter in explicit control laws
Structures particulières de commande
Méthodes de commande : synthèse, comparaison et critères de choix
Robustification d’une loi de commande prédictive polynomiale
Contributions to control law robustification
Robustification de lois de commande prédictive par la paramétrisation de Youla
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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