The third UQSay seminar, organized by L2S and EDF R&D, will take place on Thursday afternoon, June 13, 2019, at CentraleSupelec Paris-Saclay (Eiffel building, amphi V).
We will have two talks:
14h — Alexandre Janon (Laboratoire de Mathématique d’Orsay) — [slides]
Part 1: Consistency of Sobol indices with respect to stochastic ordering of input parameters
In the past decade, Sobol’s variance decomposition have been used as a tool – among others – in risk management. We show some links between global sensitivity analysis and stochastic ordering theories. This gives an argument in favor of using Sobol’s indices in uncertainty quantification, as one indicator among others.
Reference: (hal-01026373)
Part 2: Global optimization using Sobol indices
We propose and assess a new global (derivative-free) optimization algorithm, inspired by the LIPO algorithm, which uses variance-based sensitivity analysis (Sobol indices) to reduce the number of calls to the objective function. This method should be efficient to optimize costly functions satisfying the sparsity-of-effects principle.
Reference: hal-02154121
15h — Pierre Barbillon (MIA Paris) — [slides]
Sensitivity analysis of spatio-temporal models describing nitrogen transfers, transformations and losses at the landscape scale
Modelling complex systems such as agroecosystems often requires the quantification of a large number of input factors. Sensitivity analyses are useful to determine the appropriate spatial and temporal resolution of models and to reduce the number of factors to be measured or estimated accurately. Comprehensive spatial and temporal sensitivity analyses were applied to the NitroScape model, a deterministic spatially distributed model describing nitrogen transfers and transformations in rural landscapes. Simulations were led on a theoretical landscape that represented five years of intensive farm management and covering an area of 3km2. Cluster analyses were applied to summarize the results of the sensitivity analysis on the ensemble of model outputs.The methodology we applied is useful to synthesize sensitivity analyses of models with multiple space-time input and output variables and could be ported to other models than NitroScape.
Reference: (arXiv:1709.08608)
Organizers: Julien Bect (L2S) and Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D).
No registration is needed, but an email would be appreciated if you intend to come.