

Upcomming events

Séminaire de Gioele Zardini

15h30-16h30 – Salle des séminaires (L2S) Co-design of Complex Systems: From Embodied Intelligence to Mobility Systems Gioele Zardini (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) ​​​ Abstract. When designing autonomous systems, we need to consider multiple trade-offs at various abstraction levels, and choices of single components need to be studied jointly.For instance, the design of future mobility solutions (autonomous […]


Séminaire de Shanti Swaroop Kandala

14h00-15h00 – Salle du conseil (L2S) Comparison of the bit–torque models for estimating bit-rock interaction parameters in real-time using an adaptive observer Shanti Swaroop Kandala (University of Calgary) Abstract. Obtaining real-time estimates of the bit-rock interaction (BRI) parameters and real-time formation pose significant challenges in developing an automated closed-loop geo-steering system for drilling operations. A […]


Towards GNSS High Precision Navigation: Manifolds and Robust Statistics

Speaker — Daniel Medina (Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center) Abstract — Navigation information is an essential element for the operation of robotics platforms and intelligent transportation systems. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have established as the cornerstone for outdoor navigation, providing all-weather, all-time positioning and timing at a worldwide scale. The use […]


Séminaire de Emilia Fridman

14h00-15h00 – Salle des séminaires (L2S) Using Delays for Control Emilia Fridman (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Abstract. In this talk by “using delays” I understand either Time-Delay Approaches to control problems (that originally may be free of delays) or intentional inserting delays to the feedback. I will start with an old Time-Delay approach — to […]


Nina AMINI : Médaille de bronze du CNRS 2022

Chercheuse en automatique appliquée au contrôle des systèmes quantiques au sein du Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes1 . Nina Amini développe des méthodes de contrôle pour les ordinateurs quantiques de demain. Un thème au cœur de ses travaux depuis sa thèse à l’École des Mines de Paris. La chercheuse poursuit son exploration quantique lors d’un […]
