Teaching activities in the Control Department of CentraleSupélec
- First year of the engineering curriculum
- Lectures and Tutorials of the core module “Modelling: model representations and ananalyzis”
- Supervision of the Challenge Week “Modeling of a minimally-invasive surgical robot”
- Supervision of first year projects
- Second year of the engineering curriculum
- Lectures and Tutorials of the core module “Optimisation”
- Tutorials of the core module “Automatic Control”
- Supervision of the Challenge Week “Regulation and control of energy production and conversion systems”
- Supervision of second year projects
- Third year of the engineering curriculum
- Lectures and Tutorials of the module “System Modelling, identification and analysis”
- Lectures and Tutorials of the module “Modelling and analysis of uncertain systems”
- Supervision of third year projects, in links with industrial partners
Teaching responsabilities
- Responsible of the third-year concentration “Control Engineering”
- Head of the Control Department
Teaching activities in other institutions
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA): Lectures and tutorials on “System identification”, since 2010.
- IMT-Atlantique: Lectures and Tutorials on “System analyzis and mu-analyzis”, from 2006 to 2019.