2021 / … : Head of the Control Department of CentraleSupélec, responsible of the third year concentration “Control Engineering”
2015 / … : Professor in the Control Department of CentraleSupélec, and in the Signals and Systems Laboratory (University Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, CNRS)
2013 /2015 : Professor in Supelec System Sciences (E3S)
2010 / 2013 : Associate professor in the Control Department of Supélec
2005 / 2010 : Assistant professor in the Control Department of Supélec
2012: Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches “HDR”, University Paris Sud XI
Title: Contribution to the development of optimization based methodologies for automatic control
Committee: Philippe CHEVREL Gilles DUC, Luc DUGARD (reviewer), Jin-Hao KAO (reviewer), Jean-Philippe HARCAUT, Silviu-Iulian NICULESCU, Vincent WERTZ (reviewer), Michel ZASADZINSKI (president)
2005: PhD thesis, University Paris-Sud XI
Title: Modelling, optimisation and control of complex multi energy networks
Committe: Stéphane FONT (supervisor), Françoise LAMNABHI-LAGUARRIGUE (president), Christian MONDON, Mohammed M’SAAD (reviewer), Patrick SIARRY (reviewer), Sihem TEBBANI (co-supervisor), Arnaud HIRET
2002: Supélec Engineering degree, option “Control and system conception”
2002: DEA (former Master of Science), Control and Image and Signal Processing, University Paris Sud XI