Sorin Olaru is a Professor of CentraleSupélec and a member of the CNRS Laboratory of Signals and Systems, both part of the Paris-Saclay University in France. From 2020 he holds the RTE Chair at CentraleSupélec His research interests are encompassing the optimization-based control design, set-theoretic characterization of constrained dynamical systems as well as the numerical methods in optimization and control. He is currently involved in research projects related to embedded predictive control, fault-tolerant control, and network control (time-delay) systems.
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Balancing current density and electrolyte flow for improved zinc-air battery cyclability
Application of a stabilizing model predictive controller to path following for a car‐like agricultural robot
BOOK REVIEW: Recurrent sequences: key results, applications, and problems , by Dorin Andrica and Ovidiu Bagdasar.
Delay-dependent set-invariance for linear difference equations with multiple delays: a polyhedral approach
Observer gain optimization for minimization of minimal robust positively invariant set and invariant set-based fault detection
Elastic Tube Model Predictive Control With Scaled Zonotopic Sets
Inner–outer approximation of robust control invariant sets
From Relaxed Constraint Satisfaction to p-Invariance of Sets
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on K-step Control Invariant Sets
High current density charging of zinc-air flow batteries: Investigating the impact of flow rate and current density on zinc electrodeposition
Symbolically Synthesized Motion Primitives for Autonomous Navigation
PNC-CL a toolbox for piecewise affine convex-liftings with application in planning and control design
Multi-Agent Navigation using Convex Lifting on Dynamic Environment
On corridor enlargement for MPC-based navigation in cluttered environments
Model-based dynamical voltage prediction of Zinc-Air cell for piecewise discharge currents
Predictive Control for congestion management in sub-transmission areas. A parameter-varying model-based approach
Convex lifting-based path planning for overtaking maneuver on highways
Estimation of Power Transmission Distribution Factors for Predictive Control in Sub-transmission Areas
PWA control functions: from the projection of mpQP solution and back to the convexification by lifting
On the inverse optimality of a class of PWA functions through liftings
Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications
An Ontology for System Reconfiguration: Integrated Modular Avionics IMA Case Study
From Control Invariant Sets to an Inverse Optimality Perspective on the Constrained Control Design
The Linear Constrained Control Problem for Discrete-Time Systems: Regulation on the Boundaries
Model-based System Reconfiguration: a descriptive study of current industrial challenges
On the structure of polyhedral positive invariant sets with respect to delay difference equations
Optimization-based control for multi-agent deployment via dynamic Voronoi partition
Mixed-Integer Representations in Control Design
Set-based safe predictive control for multi-agent dynamical systems
Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control
Fully inverse parametric linear/quadratic programming problems via convex liftings
Distributed Robust Model Predictive Control of Interconnected Polytopic Systems
Predictive Control for Path-Following. From Trajectory Generation to the Parametrization of the Discrete Tracking Sequences
Robustness Issues in Control of Bilinear Discrete-Time Systems—Applied to the Control of Power Converters.
Formation reconfiguration using model predictive control techniques for multi-Agent dynamical systems.
Ultimate Bounds and Robust Invariant Sets for Linear Systems with State-Dependent Disturbances
Implications of Inverse Parametric Optimization in Model Predictive Control
Low Complexity Invariant Sets for Time-Delay Systems: A Set Factorization Approach
Set-Theoretic Fault Tolerant Control in Multisensor Systems
Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques in Distributed MPC Problems
Set-Based Detection and Isolation of Intersampled Delays and Pocket Dropouts in Networked Control
Predictive Control for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles Trajectory Tracking
Set-Induced Stability Results for Delay Difference Equations
A Multi-sensor Switching Scheme with Tolerance to Delay and Packet Loss
Polytopic Discrete-Time Models for Systems with Time-Varying Delays
On the Tight Formation for Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems
A model predictive control approach for the Pantograph-Catenary positioning system
Control of Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems in the Presence of Constraints
Cooperative Dynamical Systems with Communication Constraints and Limits of Viability
On the feasibility of constrained generalized predictive control
Youla-Kucera parameter in explicit control laws
Path Following with Collision Avoidance and Velocity Constraints for Multi-Agent Systems
Model Predictive Control – Numerical Methods for the Invariant Sets Approximation
Commande prédictive des systèmes dont l’entrée est affectée par un retard variable
Particle Swarm Optimization based NMPC: An Application to District Heating Networks
On Polytopic Approximations of Systems with Time-Varying Input Delays
State Estimation in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Unscented Kalman Filter Advantages
On the geometry of predictive control with nonlinear constraints
Non linear predictive control : structure, computational challenges, stochastic optimization algorithms
Geometrical Analysis of Model Predictive Control. A Parameterized Polyhedra Approach
On the geometry of predictive control with nonlinear constraints
A parameterized polyhedra approach for the explicit Robust Model Predictive Control
Ant colony and genetic algorithm for constrained predictive control of power systems
Commande prédictive sous contraintes
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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