

Michel Kieffer (Senior Member, IEEE, 2007) received in 1995 the Agrégation in Applied Physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (link is external), France. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in Control and Signal Processing in 1999, and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches degree in 2005, both from the Université Paris-Sud (link is external), Orsay, France. Michel Kieffer is a professor in signal processing for communications at the Paris-Sud University and a researcher at the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Between 2009 and 2016 he was on part-time on leave at the Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de l’Information, CNRS-Télécom ParisTech. He was also a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France between 2011 and 2016. His research interests are in joint source-channel coding and decoding techniques for the reliable transmission of multimedia contents and in signal processing for communication and networking. Michel Kieffer is co-author of more than 100 contributions in journals, conference proceedings, or books. He is one of the co-authors of the book Applied Interval Analysis (link is external) published by Springer-Verlag in 2001 and of the book Joint source-channel decoding: A cross-layer perspective with applications in video broadcasting (link is external) published by Academic Press in 2009. Since 2008, he serves as associate editor of Signal Processing, and between 2012 and 2016 for the IEEE transactions on Communications.

L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Journal articles


Goal-oriented compression for L p -norm-type goal functions: Application to power consumption scheduling

Sun, Zou, Zhang, Lasaulce, Kieffer
Journal of The Franklin Institute, 361 (10), p. 106926, 2024

Combined data-driven and model-driven location of lightning strikes: Application to meshed HVDC grids

Verrax, Kieffer, Milhiet, Raison
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 39 (2), p. 3811-3824, 2024

Load prediction of parcel pick-up points: model-driven vs data-driven approaches

Nguyen, Cabani, Cabani, de Turck, Kieffer
International Journal of Production Research, p. 1-30, 2023

Localization of Partially Hidden Moving Targets Using a Fleet of UAVs via Bounded-Error Estimation

Ibenthal, Meyer, Piet-Lahanier, Kieffer
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39 (6), p. 4211-4229, 2023

Low-complexity graph-based traveling wave models for HVDC grids with hybrid transmission lines: Application to fault identification

Verrax, Alglave, Bertinato, Kieffer, Raison
Electr. power syst. res., 205, Elsevier, 2022

Distributed event-triggered formation control for multi-agent systems in presence of packet losses

Viel, Kieffer, Piet-Lahanier, Bertrand
Automatica, 141, p. 110215, 2022

Fast fault identification in bipolar HVDC grids: a fault parameter estimation approach

Verrax, Bertinato, Kieffer, Raison
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 37 (1), p. 258-267, 2022

Bounded-error target localization and tracking using a fleet of UAVs

Ibenthal, Kieffer, Meyer, Piet-Lahanier, Reynaud
Automatica, 2021

Uncertainty-Aware Resource Provisioning for Network Slicing

Luu, Kerboeuf, Kieffer
TNSM, IEEE, 2021

Conference papers


Performance of Linear Coding and Transmission in Low-Latency Computer Vision Offloading

Žadník, Trioux, Kieffer, Mäkitalo, Coudoux, Corlay, Jääskeläinen
2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Dubai, Émirats arabes unis, 2024

Glass-to-glass delay reduction: encoding rate reduction vs. video frame extrapolation

Kanj, Trioux, Cagnazzo, Coudoux, Corlay, Kieffer
2023 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP, Poitier, France, 2023

Compensation de la latence Glass-to-Glass via extrapolation du flux vidéo : faisabilité et cas d’usage

Kanj, Trioux, Cagnazzo, Coudoux, Corlay, Kieffer
GRETSI 2023 – XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Grenoble, France, 2023

Set-membership vs. stochastic approaches for target localization with UAVs

Ibenthal, Kieffer, Piet-Lahanier, Meyer
22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2023), Yokohama, Japon, 2023

Sur la faisabilité d’une compensation efficace de la latence en utilisant l’extrapolation des images vidéo

Kanj, Trioux, Cagnazzo, Coudoux, Corlay, Kieffer
22ème édition de la conférence COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, CORESA, Lille, France, 2023

[Tutorial] Linear Video Coding and Transmission Schemes for Next Generation Video Applications

Trioux, Coudoux, Cagnazzo, Kieffer
Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2022, Suzhou, Chine, 2022

Robust collaborative 3D target localization using UAVs with state uncertainties

Zagar, Kieffer, Piet-Lahanier, Meyer
22nd IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace ACA 2022, Mumbai, Inde, 2022

Trading off controlled system energy and wireless communication energy

Sun, Lasaulce, Kieffer
8th International Symposium, UNet 2022, Montréal, Canada, 2022

Towards zero-latency video transmission through frame extrapolation

Vijayaratnam, Cagnazzo, Valenzise, Trioux, Kieffer
29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2022, Bordeaux, France, 2022

[Invited tutorial] Soft Video Delivery: Getting seamless quality adaptation in mobile and latency-critical applications

Trioux, Coudoux, Cagnazzo, Kieffer
29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2022, Bordeaux, France, 2022


Chapitres d’ouvrages scientifiques

Joint Source-Channel Coding and Decoding

Kieffer, Duhamel
in Channel Coding: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Academic Press, 2014

Robust Network Coding

Iwaza, Di Renzo, Kieffer
in Network Coding, pp. 235-264, Wiley, 2012

Heterogeneous and opportunistic wireless networks

Perez-Romero, Palazzo, Galluccio, Morabito, Leonardi, Anton-Haro, Arikan, Asheid, Belleville, Dagres, Dardari, Dohler, Eldar, Gezici, Giupponi, Guillemot, Iosifidis, Kieffer, Kountouris, Luise, Masera, Matamoros, Miliou, Morche, Moy, Navarro, Olmo, Palicot, Pedone, Ramakrishnana, Shamai, Tyczka, Vandendorpe, Vanelli-Coralli, Weidmann, Zalonis
in The Newcom++ Vision Book: Perspectives of Research on Wireless Communications in Europe, pp. 41-66, Springer, 2012

Multimedia signal processing for wireless delivery

Duhamel, Magli, Olmo, Guillemot, Kieffer, Weidmann
in The Newcom++ Vision Book, pp. 131-143, Springer, 2012
Autres ouvrages scientifiques
Chapitres d’ouvrages scientifiques

Verified global optimization for estimating the parameters of nonlinear models

Kieffer, Markot, Schichl, Walter
in Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, pp. 129-151, Springer-Verlag, 2011

Two Approaches for Guaranteed State Estimation of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Models

Kletting, Kieffer, Walter
in Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, pp. 199-220, Springer-Verlag, 2011
Autres ouvrages scientifiques
Chapitres d’ouvrages scientifiques

Reliably safe path planning using interval analysis

Pepy, Kieffer, Walter
in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008, pp. 583-588, Springer-Verlag, 2010

Robust Wireless Network Coding – An Overview

Di Renzo, Iwaza, Kieffer, Duhamel, Al-Agha
in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, pp. pp. 685-698, Springer, 2010
Ouvrages scientifiques
Chapitres d’ouvrages scientifiques

Distributed bounded–error parameter and state estimation in networks of sensors

in Numerical validation in current hardware architectures — From embedded system to high–end computational grids, Springer–Verlag, 2009
Ouvrages scientifiques
Chapitres d’ouvrages scientifiques

Estimation et traitement garanti des incertitudes de mesure : applications en électrochimie

Braems, Berthier, Jaulin, Kieffer, Walter
in Instrumentation pour les mesures physiques C21 2001. Tome 1, 31 janvier-1er février 2001, Conservatoire des arts et métiers, Paris, pp. 594, Hermes Science Publications, 2001

Nonlinear identification based on unreliable priors and data with application to robot localization

Kieffer, Jaulin, Walter, Meizel
in Robustness in identification and control, pp. 190-203, Springer London, 1999

Patents and software


Transient based method for controlling protection actions in an electric power transmission and/or distribution system

Verrax, Bertinato, Kieffer, Raison, Milhiet
France, Patent n° : EP 22 31529, 2022

Method and apparatus for mapping network slices onto network infrastructures with SLA guarantee

Luu, Kerboeuf, Kieffer, Mouradian
France, Patent n° : WO 2020/114608A1, 2020

Statistical multiplexing of distributed video streams

Changuel, Sayadi, Kieffer
France, Patent n° : 809506, 2011

A video packet scheduling method for multimedia streaming

Changuel, Sayadi, Kieffer
France, Patent n° : 11290068.3, 2011

Scheduling Method for Data Streaming in a Telecommunication Network Infrastructure

Changuel, Sayadi, Kieffer
Union européenne, Patent n° : 10306046.3, 2010

Joint Encoder and Buffer Regulation for Statistical Multiplexing of Multimedia Contents

Changuel, Sayadi, Kieffer
France, Patent n° : 9290584, 2009

Method for allocating bit rates to video programs transmitted within a fixed rate channel

Changuel, Sayadi, Kieffer
France, Patent n° : EP09305287.6, 2009

Method and apparatus for decoding block codes

Marin, Kieffer, Duhamel, Sayadi, Kumar
France, Patent n° : EP09290070.3, 2009

