Associate Professor
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
An Automata Theoretic Approach to Observer Design for Switched Linear Systems
Stability of Shuffled Switched Linear Systems: A Joint Spectral Radius Approach
An approximate characterisation of the set of feasible trajectories for constrained flat systems
Almost global attitude stabilisation of an underactuated axially symmetric 3-D pendulum
Optimal resource allocation for stochastic systems performance optimisation of control tasks undergoing stochastic execution times
Stability and stabilizability of discrete-time dual switching systems with application to sampled-data systems
Strong iISS for a class of systems under saturated feedback
Robustness of stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems with application to control with shared resources
Soft Real-Time Scheduling for Embedded Control Systems
Exploiting Packet Size in Uncertain Nonlinear Networked Control Systems
An EEG Classifier to Discriminate Between Focused Attention Meditation and Problem-solving
Stability of discrete-time switched linear systems with ω-regular switching sequences
On the Joint Spectral Radius of Shuffled Switched Linear Systems
Almost global attitude stabilisation of a 3-D pendulum by means of two control torques
Control of differentially flat linear delay systems with constraints
Circular Path Following for the Spherical Pendulum on a Cart
Modelling and structural properties of distributed parameter wind power systems
Optimal mean square control using the continuous stream model of computation
Euler-Bernoulli beam flatness based control with constraints
Robustness under saturated feedback: Strong iISS for a class of nonlinear systems
A Joint Spectral Radius for $$\omega $$-Regular Language-Driven Switched Linear Systems
Wave Equation Modelling and Freeness Properties for Wind Power Systems
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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