Islam Boussaada received his Master in Mathematics from Carthage University, and an M.Sc. degree in Pure Mathematics from University Paris 7 in 2004. In December 2008, he defended his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from University of Rouen Normandy. In June 2016, he received his HDR degree (French Habilitation) in Physics from University Paris Saclay-University Paris Sud. In 2010, IB was appointed for one year as a post-doctoral fellow in the control of time-delay systems at L2S, Supelec-CNRS-University Paris Sud. From September 2011 until September 2017, he has been an associate professor at IPSA and an associate researcher at MODESTY Team of L2S. Since October 2017, IB is appointed associate researcher at DISCO Team and full professor at IPSA where he headed the Aeronautical and Aerospace Systems department from September 2017 till May 2019. From September 2018 untill August 2020, IB has been a researcher in temporary secondment at Inria Saclay-DISCO Team. His research interests belong to the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and its application in control problems. It includes stability analysis and stabilization of linear/nonlinear dynamical systems, analysis of parametric and distributed parameter systems, analysis of delay induced dynamics, nonhyperbolic dynamics, analysis of algebraic differential systems, control of active vibrations, dynamics of biochemical networks. IB is co-author of a monograph and co-editor of a contributed book, both published in Springer series, as well as co-author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications. He co-organized the 4th GDRI DelSys's Workshop on Observing and Controlling Complex Dynamical Systems (November 2015), as well as the 1st GDRI Spa-Disco's workshop on Delays and Constraints in Distributed Parameters Systems (November 2017), both funded by CNRS and held at CentraleSupelec (Gif sur Yvette). IB is the co-organiser of several thematic/invited sessions in international conferences on the topic "Frequency domain methods for qualitative analysis of Time-delay Systems"; the 20th and 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) (Toulouse, July 2017 & Berlin, July 2020), the 13th-15th IFAC Workshop on Time-delay Systems (Istanbul 2016, Budapest 2018 & Sinaia 2019) and the 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2020) (Cambridge, 2021). Since September 2018, IB is co-leading the national research group GT OSYDI of the CNRS/GDR MACS and is a deputy director of the IRS iCODE Institute of the University Paris Saclay.
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Islam Boussaada received his Master in Mathematics from University Tunis II, and an M.Sc. degree in Pure Mathematics from University Paris 7 in 2004. In December 2008, he defended his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from University of Rouen Normandy. In June 2016, he received his HDR degree (French Habilitation) in Physics from University Paris Saclay-University Paris Sud. In 2010, IB was appointed for one year as a post-doctoral fellow in the control of time-delay systems at L2S, Supelec-CNRS-University Paris Sud. From September 2011 until September 2017, he has been an associate professor at IPSA and an associate researcher at MODESTY Team of L2S. Since October 2017, IB is appointed associate researcher at DISCO Team and full professor at IPSA where he headed the Aeronautical and Aerospace Systems department from September 2017 till May 2019. Since September 2018 untill August 2020, IB is a researcher in temporary secondment at Inria Saclay-DISCO Team. His research interests belong to the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and its application in control problems. It includes stability analysis and stabilization of linear/nonlinear dynamical systems, analysis of parametric systems, analysis of delay induced dynamics, nonhyperbolic dynamics, analysis of algebraic differential systems, control of active vibrations, dynamics of biochemical networks. IB is co-author of a monograph and co-editor of a contributed book, both published in Springer series, as well as co-author of more than 60 peer-reviewed publications. He co-organized the 4th GDRI DelSys’s Workshop on Observing and Controlling Complex Dynamical Systems (November 2015), as well as the 1st GDRI Spa-Disco’s workshop on Delays and Constraints in Distributed Parameters Systems (November 2017), both funded by CNRS and held at CentraleSupelec (Gif sur Yvette). IB is the co-organiser of several thematic/invited sessions in international conferences on the topic “Frequency domain methods for qualitative analysis of Time-delay Systems”; the 20th and 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) (Toulouse, July 2017 & Berlin, July 2020), the 13th-15th IFAC Workshop on Time-delay Systems (Istanbul 2016, Budapest 2018 & Sinaia 2019) and the 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2020) (Cambridge, 2021). Since September 2018, IB is co-leading the national research group GT OSYDI of the CNRS/GDR MACS and is a deputy director of the IRS iCODE Institute of the University Paris Saclay.
Prescribing transport equation solution’s decay via multiplicity manifold and autoregressive boundary control
Insights on equidistributed real spectral values in second-order delay systems: perspectives in partial pole placement
Robust delayed resonator with acceleration feedback – design by double root assignment and experimental validation
Stabilization and Optimal Control of Interconnected SDE – Scalar PDE System
On Boundary Control of the Transport Equation. Assigning Real Spectra & Exponential Decay
A Complete Characterization of Minima of the Spectral Abscissa and Rightmost Roots of Second-Order Systems with Input Delay
Multiplicity-induced-dominancy for delay systems: Comprehensive examples in the scalar neutral case
On the pole placement of scalar linear delay systems with two delays
Multiplicity-Induced-Dominancy property for second-order neutral differential equations with application in oscillation damping
Time-Delay Control of Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Multiplicity-Induced-Dominancy Based Approach
Comparing advanced control strategies to eliminate stick-slip oscillations in drillstrings
The generic multiplicity-induced-dominancy property from retarded to neutral delay-differential equations: When delay-systems characteristics meet the zeros of Kummer functions
PID Control Design for First-Order Delay Systems via MID Pole Placement: Performance vs. Robustness
Some Remarks on the Location of Non-Asymptotic Zeros of Whittaker and Kummer Hypergeometric Functions
Conditions for stabilizability of time-delay systems with real-rooted plant
Multiplicity-induced-dominancy for delay-differential equations of retarded type
Multiplicity-Induced-Dominancy in parametric second-order delay differential equations: Analysis and application in control design
Real spectral values coexistence and their effect on the stability of time-delay systems: Vandermonde matrices and exponential decay
Nonlinear Control of a Multi-Link Aerial System and ASEKF-Based Disturbances Compensation
Calculation of the critical delay for the double inverted pendulum
Stability Analysis of a More General Class of Systems with Delay-Dependent Coefficients
Influence of micro-environment on yeast population dynamics
Dynamics of a prey-predator system with modified Leslie-Gower and Holling type Ⅱ schemes incorporating a prey refuge
Stability Analysis of Systems with Delay-Dependent Coefficients: an Overview
Further remarks on the effect of multiple spectral values on the dynamics of time-delay systems. Application to the control of a mechanical system
Some insights into the migration of double imaginary roots under small deviation of two parameters
On Qualitative Properties of Low-Degree Quasipolynomials: Further remarks on the spectral abscissa and rightmost-roots assignment
A Delay-Based Sustained Chemical Oscillator: Qualitative Analysis of Oregonator-Based Models
An explicit formula for the splitting of multiple eigenvalues for nonlinear eigenvalue problems and connections with the linearization for the delay eigenvalue problem
On the Coalescence of Spectral Values and its Effect on the Stability of Time-delay Systems: Application to Active Vibration Control
Characterizing the Codimension of Zero Singularities for Time-Delay Systems : A Link with Vandermonde and Birkhoff Incidence Matrices
A control oriented guided tour in oilwell drilling vibration modeling
Tracking the Algebraic Multiplicity of Crossing Imaginary Roots for Generic Quasipolynomials: A Vandermonde-Based Approach
Inverted pendulum stabilization: Characterization of codimension-three triple zero bifurcation via multiple delayed proportional gains
Amplitude Independent Frequency Synchroniser for a Cubic Planar Polynomial System
Complexity reduction of C-algorithm
Isochronicity conditions for some planar polynomial systems II
Isochronicity conditions for some planar polynomial systems
On the existence of periodic solution of perturbed generalized Li\’enard equations
Prospects in P3delta Software: New Development Directions
Further Insights on the Partial Pole Placement in Delay Systems: Simultaneity of the MID and CRRID properties
A Novel Approach to Proportional-Integral-Retarded Controller Tuning for Second Order Non-Minimum Phase Systems
Reduced-Order Observer Design for Time-Delay Systems using Partial Pole Placement
Some Remarks on the Pendulum Stabilization. Multiple Delays & Decay Rate Assignment
On Quasipolynomials Real Roots Coexistence: Effect on Stability of Time-Delay Systems with Perspectives in Partial Pole Placement
A Delay-Based Output Feedback Controller for the Active Vibration Damping of a Vibrating Thin Membrane
On the Spectrum Distribution of Parametric Second-order Delay Differential Equations. Perspectives in Partial Pole Placement
MID Property for Delay Systems: Insights on Spectral Values with Intermediate Multiplicity
Analysis of an Active/Passive Postural Quiet Stance Regulation Model: Perfect Behavior and Critical Characteristics
Rolling Balance Board Robust Stabilization: A MID-based Design
Over one Century of Spectrum Analysis in Delay Systems: An Overview and New Trends in Pole Placement Methods
New Features of P3δ Software. Insights and Demos
Design of Quasipolynomial-Based Controllers with Dynamical Parameters – Application to Active Vibration Damping
Padé Approximation and Hypergeometric Functions: A Missing Link with the Spectrum of Delay-Differential Equations
Observer Design in LTI Time-Delay Systems using Partial Pole Placement with Applications
An MID-based control of a vibrating axisymmetric membrane using piezoelectric transducers
Towards reliable and robust anaerobic digestion
Insights on Pole-Placement of Dynamical Systems by PID Control with Guaranteed Delay Robustness
Stability, Delays and Multiple Characteristic Roots in Dynamical Systems: A Guided Tour
New Features of P3$\delta$ software: Partial Pole Placement via Delay Action
Active vibration control of axisymmetric membrane through partial pole placement
Insights into the multiplicity-induced-dominancy for scalar delay-differential equations with two delays
Torsional-vibrations Damping in Drilling Systems: Multiplicity-Induced-Dominancy based design
Effects of Roots of Maximal Multiplicity on the Stability of Some Classes of Delay Differential-Algebraic Systems: The Lossless Propagation Case
Insights from a qualitative analysis of a gene expression model with delays
On pole placement and spectral abscissa characterization for time-delay systems
A Preliminary Parametric Analysis of PID Delay-Based Controllers for Quadrotor UAVs
A pedagogical approach to data fusion and kalman filter
Delayed control design of a vibrating thin membrane via a partial pole placement
Partial Pole Placement via Delay Action: A Python Software for Delayed Feedback Stabilizing Design
Analysis of the Delayed Central Nervous System Action in the Regulation of a Third-order Muscle-Tendon Model
The MID property for a second-order neutral time-delay differential equation
Towards an MID-based Delayed Design for Arbitrary-order Dynamical Systems with a Mechanical Application
Some insights on rightmost spectral values assignment for time delay systems
Spectral dominance of complex roots for single-delay linear equations
On qualitative properties of single-delay linear retarded differential equations: Characteristic roots of maximal multiplicity are necessarily dominant
Multiplicity-Induced-Dominancy extended to neutral delay equations: Towards a systematic PID tuning based on Rightmost root assignment
A problematic issue in the Walton-Marshall method for some neutral delay systems
On pole Placement and spectral abscissa characterization for time-delay systems
Active vibration control through quasi-polynomial based controller
Low complexity controllers for vibrations damping in drilling systems
Modeling and Control of an Aerial Multi-Cargo System: Robust Acquiring and Transport Operations
Time-delay Control of a Multi-Rotor VTOL Multi-Agent System Towards Transport Operations
Disturbances and Coupling Compensation for Trajectory Tracking of a Multi-link Aerial Robot
Time-delay Tolerant Control of an Omnidirectional Multi-agent System for Transport Operations
Computational modeling and oscillations damping of axial vibrations in a drilling system
Modeling and Control of an Interactive Tilt-rotor MAV for In-contact Cracks-sensing Operations
Towards a Decay Rate Assignment Based Design for Time-Delay Systems with Multiple Spectral Values
Spectral design of robust delayed resonator by double-root assignment
On the Dominancy of Multiple Spectral Values for Time-delay Systems with Applications
Stability Analysis of Systems with Delay-Dependent Coefficients Subject to Some Particular Delay Structure
Counting Characteristic Roots of Linear Delay Differential Equations. Part II: from Argument Principle to Rightmost Root Assignment Methods
A Review on Multiple Purely Imaginary Spectral Values of Time-Delay Systems
Low complexity controller for active vibration damping of thin mechanical structures
Delays and Interconnections: Methodology, Algorithms and Applications
Analysis and Control of Oilwell Drilling Vibrations
Delay system modeling of rotary drilling vibrations
On the Codimension of the Singularity at the Origin for Networked Delay Systems
Flatness-Based Control for a Non-Linear Spatially Distributed Model of a Drilling System
P3δ A Python software for the design of stabilizing delayed-feedback controllers
Qualitative analysis of functional differential-algebraic systems with applications in control
Contribution à l’étude des solutions périodiques et des centres isochrones des systèmes d’équations différentielles ordinaires plans
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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