
Mohamad ASSAAD


L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Mohamad AssaadAbout me Teaching


Research Group Research

List of publications

  1. Mohamad Assaad and Alain Mourad, “Method for allocating resources of a system to at least two user”, Patent No. EP2053801B1.
  2. Apostolos Destounis, Bessem Sayadi, Merouane Debbah and Mohamad Assaad, “Control of a downlink radio frequency transmission from a multi-channel base station”, no. EP2816859A1, European Patent.
  3. Apostolos Destounis, Bessem Sayadi, Merouane Debbah and Mohamad Assaad, “Method and device for transmitting buffered data from a base station of a wireless communication network to user equipments”, no. EP2790347A1, European Patent.
  4. Method for CQI Feedback and User Scheduling for Data Downlinks for Multicarrier Systems.
  5. Rita Ibrahim, Berna Sayrac and Mohamad Assaad, « Procédé centralisé d’allocation de ressources de transmission à des terminaux d2d dans un réseau d’accès cellulaire », WO2019/220056A1.
  6. Rita Ibrahim, Berna Sayrac and Mohamad Assaad, « Procédé distribué d’allocation de ressources de transmission à des terminaux d2d dans un réseau d’accès cellulaire », WO2019/220054A1. 
  7. Jérôme Gaveau, Christophe Le Martret and Mohamad Assaad, “Method for Allocating Radio Resources in a Wireless Network, By Learning”, no. EP3506703B1. 
  8. Salah Eddine Hajri and Mohamad Assaad, « Opérations de Relais dans un Réseau Cellulaire », (Relay Operations In A Cellular Network), WO2019/001039A1
  9. Salah Eddine Hajri and Mohamad Assaad, “Améliorations apportées, ou se rapportant, à une auto-corrélation de canal dynamique basée sur une programmation d’utilisateurs”, WO2019/001038A1
  10. Mohamad Assaad and Wenjie Li, “Network control”, WO2019/170138A1.
  11. Salah Eddine Hajri and Mohamad Assaad, “Procédé d’accès multiple non orthogonal, station de base et équipement d’utilisateur », WO2021/068808A1. 
  12. Salah Eddine Hajri and Mohamad Assaad, « Procédure d’accès associée à des signaux de diffusion formés en faisceau », WO2021/121255A1. 
  13. Salah Eddine Hajri, Mohamad Assaad, and Bruno Jechoux, “Accès multiple non orthogonal pour communications du type machine dans un réseau de communication sans fil”, WO2020/192409A1
  14. Salah Eddine Hajri and Mohamad Assaad, “Procédé de création de rapport d’informations d’état de canal, station de base et équipement utilisateur”, WO2020/073543A1
  15. David Jia, Xavier le Turck, Christophe Le Martret, Mohamad Assaad, « Procédé et dispositif d’ordonnancement des transmissions dans un réseau de radiocommunication ad hoc, procédé d’évaluation des interférences et réseau de radiocommunication associés », filed (December 2022), EP22213978.
  16. David Jia, Xavier le Turck, Christophe Le Martret, Mohamad Assaad, “Procédé de Communications Hybrides NOMA/TDMA pour les Réseaux Ad foc Clustérisés,” Patent n° : 2306291, 2023.
  1. Wenjie Li, Mohamad Assaad, « Distributed Zeroth order optimization in time varying networks”, submitted. 
  2. Elissa Mhanna, Mohamad Assaad, “Zero-Order One-Point Estimate with Distributed Stochastic Gradient-Tracking Technique,” submitted. 
  3. Saad Kriouile, Mohamad Assaad, “Minimizing the Age of Incorrect Information for Unknown Markovian Source,” submitted.  
  4. C. Bou Chaaya, M. Assaad, T. Chahed, “Initial Access Optimization for RIS-assisted Wireless Networks.
  5. Matha Deghel, Mohamad Assaad, Merouane Debbah, Anthony Ephremides, “Traffic-Aware Scheduling and Feedback Reporting in Multichannel Wireless Networks with Relaying,” submitted.
  6. R. Ibrahim, M. Assaad, B. Sayrac, A. Ephremides, “Stability Analysis of TDD Networks Revisited: A trade-off between Complexity and Precision,” submitted.

Journal articles  

  1. MK Shehzad, L. Rose, S. Wesemann, M. Assaad, S. Hassan, “Design of an Efficient CSI Feedback Mechanism in Massive MIMO Systems: A Machine Learning Approach Using Empirical Data, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2024.
  2. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides, “Age-aware Stochastic. Hybrid Systems: Stability, Solution and Applications,” IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Information Theory,Vol. 4, pp.762-783, 2023. 
  3. MK Shehzad, L. Rose, M. Assaad, “Massive MIMO CSI Feedback using Channel Prediction: How to Avoid Machine Learning at UE? ” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2024. 
  4. MK Shehzad, M. Assaad, L Rose, ” Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: How to Enhance Multiuser Channel Prediction?,” to appear in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024.  
  5. S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, M. Larranaga, « Asymptotically optimal delay-aware scheduling in wireless networks”, to appear in Journal of Communications and Networks, 2024.  
  6. R. Ibrahim, M. Assaad, B. Sayrac, “A Dynamic Policy for Selecting D2D Mobile Relays,” accepted in Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, 2023. 
  7. B. Gandarias, J. Doncel, M. Assaad, “On the age of information of processor sharing systems,” IEEE/KCIS Journal of Communications and Networks, 2023, 25 (5), pp.643-656. (Invited paper)
  8. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides, “The Age of Incorrect Information: An Enabler of Semantics-empowered Communications,” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 22 (4), 2621-2635, 2023.
  9. S. Hajri, M. Assaad, M. Larranaga, H. Sari, ” Heterogeneous Doppler Spread-based CSI Estimation Planning for TDD Massive MIMO,” in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 4, 413-429, 2023.
  10. S. Doumiati, H. Artail, M. Assaad, “Toward Optimal DoF Maximization with Interference Categorization using TIM and SIC,” IEEE Access, 11, p. 68184-68199, 2023.
  11. S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, A. Maatouk,” On the Global Optimality of Whittle’s Index Policy for Minimizing the Age of Information,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68 (1), p. 572-600, 2022.
  12. W. Li, M. Assaad, Zheng,” Distributed Derivative-free Learning Method for Stochastic Optimization over a Network with Sparse Activity,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(5): 2221-2236, 2022
  13. Elif Uysal, Onur Kaya, Anthony Ephremides, James Gross, Marian Codreanu, Petar Popovski, Mohamad Assaad, Gianluigi Liva, Andrea Munari, Touraj Soleymani, Beatriz Soret, Karl Henrik Johansson, “Semantic Communications in Networked Systems,” In IEEE Network Journal, 36(4): 233-240, 2022. 
  14. Josu Doncel, Mohamad Assaad, “Age of Information in a Decentralized Network of Parallel Queues with Routing and Packets Losses,” in IEEE/KCIS Journal of Communications and Networks, 24(1): 17-20, 2022.
  15. MK Shehzad, L Rose, S Wesemann, M Assaad,” ML-Based Massive MIMO Channel Prediction: Does It Work on Real-World Data?,” In IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 11(4): 811-815, 2022. 
  16. A. Maatouk, Y. Sun, A. Ephremides, M. Assaad, “Timely Updates with Priorities: Lexicographic Age Optimality”, In IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70(5): 3020-3033, 2022. 
  17. M. Shehzad, L. Rose, M. Butt, E. Kovacs, M. Assaad, M. Guizani, “Artificial Intelligence for 6G Networks: Technology Advancement and Standardization,”, In IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 17(3): 16-25, 2022. 
  18. W. Li, M. Assaad,” Distributed Stochastic Optimization in Networks with Low Informational Exchange,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 67 (5), p. 2989-3008, 2021.
  19. J. Gaveau, X. Leturc, C. Le Martret, M. Assaad,” Trial and Error Learning for Dynamic Distributed Channel Allocation in Random Medium,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20 (12), p. 8177-8190, 2021.
  20. J. Denis, M. Assaad,” Improving Cell-Free massive MIMO Networks Performance: a User Scheduling Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20(11): 7360-7374, 2021.
  21. N. Khalifa, V. Angilella, M. Assaad, M. Debbah,” Low-Complexity Channel Allocation Scheme for URLLC Traffic,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69(1): 194-206, 2021.
  22. J. Doncel, M. Assaad,” Age of Information of Jackson Networks with Finite Buffer Size,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 10(4): 902-906, 2021.
  23. A. Maatouk, S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides,” On The Optimality of The Whittle’s Index Policy For Minimizing The Age of Information,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20(2): 1263-1277, 2021. 
  24. J. Gaveau, C. Le Martret, M. Assaad,” Performance Analysis of Trial and Error Algorithms,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 31 (6), p. 1343-1356, 2020. 
  25. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides,” On the Age of Information in a CSMA Environment,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 28 (2), p. 818-831, 2020.
  26. M. Larranaga, J. Denis, M. Assaad, K. De Turck,” Energy-Efficient Distributed Transmission Scheme for MTC in Dense Wireless Networks: A Mean-Field Approach,” IEEE internet of things journal, 7 (1), p. 477-490, 2020.
  27. A. Maatouk, S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides,” The Age of Incorrect Information: A New Performance Metric for Status Updates,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 28 (5), p. 2215-2228, 2020.
  28. R. Al Khansa, H. ARTAIL, M. Assaad, K. Kabalan,” A Hybrid Scheduled and group-based random access solution for massive MTC networks,” Computer Networks, 176, p. 107253, 2020.
  29. M. Sharma, A. Zappone, M. Assaad, M. Debbah, V. Vassilaras, “Distributed Power Control for Large Energy Harvesting Networks: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 5 (4), p. 1140-1154, 2019. 
  30. S. Doumiati, M. Assaad, H. Artail, “A Framework of Topological Interference Management and Clustering for D2D Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67 (11), p. 7856-7871, 2019. 
  31. W. Li and M. Assaad,” Matrix Exponential Learning Schemes With Low Informational Exchange,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67 (12), p. 3140-3153, 2019. 
  32. A. Maatouk, S. Hajri, M. Assaad, H. Sari,”On Optimal Scheduling for Joint Spatial Division and Multiplexing Approach in FDD Massive MIMO,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67 (4), p. 1006-1021, 2019. 
  33. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides,”Energy Efficient and Throughput Optimal CSMA Scheme,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 27 (1), p. 316-329, 2019.
  34. S. Bazzi, S. Stefanatos, L. Le Magoarou, S. Hajri, M. Assaad, D. Paquelet, G. Wunder, W. Xu, ”Exploiting the Massive MIMO Channel Structural Properties for Minimization of Channel Estimation Error and Training Overhead,” IEEE Access, 7, p. 32434-32452, 2019.
  35. Matha Deghel, Mohamad Assaad, Merouane Debbah, Anthony Ephremides, “Queuing Stability of a TDD Wireless Networks with Interference Alignment,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(1): 547-576 (2018)
  36. M. Larranaga, M. Assaad, A. Destounis, G. Paschos, “Asymptotically Optimal Pilot Allocation over Markovian Fading Channels,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,  64(7): 5395-5418 (2018)
  37. S. Hajri and M. Assaad, “Energy Efficiency in Cache Enabled Small Cell Networks With Adaptive User Clustering,” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(2): 955-968 (2018)
  38. Matha Deghel, Mohamad Assaad, Merouane Debbah, Anthony Ephremides, “Traffic-Aware Scheduling and Feedback Allocation in Multichannel Wireless Networks”,  in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(8): 5520-5534 (2018)
  39. S. Doumiati, M. Assaad, H. Artail,  « Topological Interference Management Framework for Device-to-Device Communication, », in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7(4): 602-605 (2018)
  40. A. Maatouk, E. Caliskan, M. Koca, M. Assaad, G. Gui, H. Sari, “Frequency- Domain NOMA with Two Sets of Orthogonal Signal Waveforms,” IEEE Communications Letters 22(5): 906-909 (2018).
  41. A.F. Hanif, H. Tembine, M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Mean Field Games in Cloud Networks”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(1): 624-637 (2016).
  42. Ayaz Ahmad, Mohamad Assaad and Tembine Hamidou, “Risk Sensitive Control for Multimedia Traffic in Interfering Wireless Networks”, in IEEE Trans. On Vehicular Tech., 65(8): 6315-6329 (2016)
  43. A. Destounis, M. Assaad, M. Debbah and B. Sayadi, « Traffic-Aware Training and Scheduling in MISO Downlink Systems », IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61 (5), pp. 2574-2599, 2015.
  44. Subhash Lakshminarayana, Mohamad Assaad and Merouane Debbah “Coordinated Multi-cell Beamforming for Massive MIMO: A Random Matrix Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61 (6): 3387-3412, 2015.
  45. S. Lakshminaryana, M. Assaad and M. Debbah, ”Energy Efficient Cross Layer Design in MIMO Multi-cell Systems,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special issue on Hetnets, 33 (10), pp. 2087-2103, Oct. 2015.
  46. Hana Baili and Mohamad Assaad, “Optimal Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wireless Networks with Heavy Traffic”, Mathematical Modeling of Dynamical Systems Journal (Taylor and Francis), to appear, 2015. 
  47. A. Destounis, M. Assaad, M. Debbah, B. Sayadi and A. Feki, “On Queue-Aware Power Control in Interfering Wireless Links: Heavy Traffic Asymptotic Modelling and Application in QoS Provisioning“, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol 13 No. 10, pp. 2345-2356, 2014. 
  48. Mohamad Assaad, Walid Ben-Ameur and Faiz Hamid, “Resource Optimization of Non-Additive Utility Functions in Localized SC-FDMA Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(18), pp. 4896-4910, 2014. 
  49. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Downlink Beamforming and Resource Allocation in Multi-Cell MISO-OFDMA Systems,” in Transactions on Emerging Technologies, 25(2), pp. 173-184, 2014. 
  50. Subhash Lakshminarayana, Mohamad Assaad, Merouane Debbah, “H-Infinity Control Based Scheduler for the Deployment of Small Cell Networks”, Elsevier Performance Evaluation Journal, 70(7-8), pp. 513-527, 2013.
  51. Mohamad Assaad, Walid Ben Ameur and Faiz Hamid, “An Interval Assignment Problem for Resource Optimization in Networks”, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 41, pp.237-244, 2013. 
  52. Naveed Ul Hassan, Mohamad Assaad and Hamidou Tembine, “Robust Power Control in Arbitrary Wireless Networks”, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 17, issue 6, pp. 1124-1127, 2013.
  53. Ayaz Ahmad and Mohamad Assaad, “Optimal Resource Allocation In Downlink OFDMA Systems with Imperfect Channel Knowledge”, Springer Journal on Optimization and Engineering (OPTE), Jan 2012.   
  54. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Dynamic Resource Allocation in Multi-service OFDMA Systems with Dynamic Queue Control”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 59, issue 6, June 2011, pp.1664-1674.
  55. R. Aggarwal, M. Assaad, C. E. Koksal, and P. Schniter, “Optimal Joint Scheduling and Resource Allocation in OFDMA Downlink Systems with Imperfect Channel-State Information”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (11): 5589-5604, 2011.
  56. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Adaptive Resource Allocation with Strict Delay Constraints in OFDMA system,” Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010, Volume 2010, Article ID 121080, 14 pages.
  57. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache : « HSDPA Cell throughput under Nakagami fading channel », IEEE Transactions on vehicular Technologies, vol. 58, No. 2, Feb 2009, pp. 610-625.
  58. N. Ul Hassan and M. Assaad, « Low Complexity Margin adaptive resource allocation in Downlink MIMO-OFDMA system », IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 2009, pp.3365-3372
  59. Mohamad Assaad and Djamal Zeghlache : « Effect of Circuit Switched Services on HSDPA Cell Capacity », IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, May 2006, vol. 5, issue 5, pp. 1044-1054 .
  60. Mohamad Assaad and Djamal Zeghlache : « Cross Layer Design in HSDPA System », IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), March 2006, vol 24, issue 3, pp. 614-625 .
  61. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “How to minimize the TCP Effect in a UMTS-HSDPA System”, Wiley Journal Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 2005.
  62. M. Assaad, B. Jouaber and D. Zeghlache, “TCP Performance over UMTS-HSDPA System”, Telecommunication Systems journal 27:2-4, 371-391, 2004.
  1. Noureddine Henka, Sami Tazi, Mohamad Assaad, “Multiplex Community Detection for Resilient Electrical Segmentation Enabling Management of an Increasingly Complex Power Grid”, to appear in ECML PKDD, 2024.
  2. S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, D. Gunduz, T. Soleymani, “Optimal Denial-of-Service Attacks Against Status Updating”, accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2024. 
  3. Mohamad Assaad, Touraj Soleymani, “Goal-Oriented Communication for Networked Control Assisted by Reconfigurable Meta-Surfaces”, accepted in IEEE SPAWC, 2024.
  4. Josu Doncel, Mohamad Assaad, “Optimizing Age of Information with Attacks”, accepted in NETGCOOP 2024.
  5. Elissa Mhanna, Mohamad Assaad, “Single point-based distributed zeroth-order optimization with a non-convex stochastic objective function,” Fortieth Annual conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023.  
  6. N. Henka, M. Assaad, S. Tazi, “Self Weighted Multiplex Modularity Maximization for Multiview Clustering,” 15th Conference on Machine Learning (ACML), Istanbul, Turquie, 2023.
  7. Youssef Hussein, Mohamad Assaad, Thierry Clessienne, “Distributed RIS-aided Joint Spatial Division and Multiplexing,” in IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, 2023.
  8. Youssef Hussein, Mohamad Assaad, Thierry Clessienne, “Distributed RIS-aided MU-MISO for Rank Improved Channel Conditions,” IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications (VCC), 2023.
  9. S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, “when to pull data from sensors for minimum distance-based Age of Incorrect Information,” in 21st IEEE International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Singapore, 2023 (invited paper)
  10. Ali Maatouk, Mohamad Assaad, Anthony Ephremides, “Analysis of an Age-Dependent Stochastic Hybrid System,” In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2022: 150-155. 
  11. Youssef Hussein, Mohamad Assaad, Thierry Clessienne, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-aided Joint Spatial Division and Multiplexing for MU-MIMO Systems,” In Proc. Of IEEE ICC 2022: 2658-2663. 
  12. David Jia, Xavier Leturc, Mohamad Assaad, Christophe J. Le Martret, “Rayleigh Channel Statistics Estimation Using SINR Samples Under Single Interference,” In Proc. of IEEE VTC Spring 2022: 1-5
  13. Ali Maatouk, Mohamad Assaad, Anthony Ephremides, “Semantics-Empowered Communications Through the Age of Incorrect Information,” In Proc. of IEEE ICC2022: 3995-4000
  14. S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, “Minimizing the Age of Incorrect Information for Real-time Tracking of Markov Remote Sources,” in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Melbourne, Australia, 2021.
  15. M.K. Shehzad, L. Rose, M. Assaad,” RNN-Based Twin Channel Predictors for CSI Acquisition in UAV-Assisted 5G+ Networks,” 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Madrid, Spain, 2021.
  16. M.K. Shehzad, L. Rose, M. Assaad,” Dealing with CSI Compression to Reduce Losses and Overhead: An Artificial Intelligence Approach,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Montreal, Canada, 2021.
  17. M.K. Shehzad, L. Rose, M. Assaad,” A Novel Algorithm to Report CSI in MIMO-Based Wireless Networks,” ICC 2021 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, Montreal, Canada, 2021.
  18. E. Mhanna, M. Assaad, M. Debbah, A. Destounis, M. Kamoun,” Distributed Stochastic Phase-Shift Optimization in a RIS-Assisted Cellular Network,” 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Nanjing, Chine, 2021.
  19. Y. Hussein, M. Assaad, H. Sari,” Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Index Modulation with Signature Constellations,” 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Nanjing, France, 2021.
  20. M. Ly, Y. Hussein, E. Mhanna, M. Assaad,” Initial Access Optimization for Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks,” 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Nanjing, Chine, 2021.
  21. R. Alkhansa, H. Artail, M. Assaad, K. Kabalan, “A Spatiotemporal Analysis of a Group-based Access Solution for Massive MTC Networks and the Stability-Scalability Trade-off,” 2020 30th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), Melbourne, Australia, 2020.
  22. A. Maatouk, S. Kriouile, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides, “Asymptotically Optimal Scheduling Policy For Minimizing The Age of Information,” 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Los Angeles, France, 2020.
  23. A. Maatouk, Y. Sun, A. Ephremides, M. Assaad,” Status Updates with Priorities: Lexicographic Optimality,” 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WIOPT), Volos, Greece, 2020. 
  24. R. Ibrahim, M. Assaad, B. Sayrac,” Greedy Algorithm for Selecting D2D Mobile Relays under Cost Constraints,” GLOBECOM 2019 – 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Waikoloa, France, 2019.
  25. S. Doumiati, H. ARTAIL, M. Assaad,” Application of the Topological Interference Management Method in Practical Scenarios,” 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Barcelona, France, 2019.
  26. S. Kriouile, M. Larranaga, M. Assaad,” Whittle Index Policy for Multichannel Scheduling in Queueing Systems,” 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, 2019.
  27. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides,” Age of Information With Prioritized Streams: When to Buffer Preempted Packets?,” 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, 2019.
  28. M. Sharma, A. Zappone, M. Debbah, M. Assaad,” Multi -Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning based Power Control for Large Energy Harvesting Networks,” 2019 International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOPT), Avignon, France, 2019. Best paper award finalist. 
  29. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides, “Minimizing The Age of Information in a CSMA Environment,” 2019 International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOPT), Avignon, France, 2019.
  30. M. Sharma, A. Zappone, M. Debbah, M. Assaad, “Deep Learning Based Online Power Control for Large Energy Harvesting Networks,” ICASSP 2019 – 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, France, 2019.
  31. A. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides, “Minimizing The Age of Information: NOMA or OMA?,” IEEE INFOCOM 2019 – IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), Paris, France, 2019.
  32. N. BEN KHALIFA, M. Assaad, M. Debbah, “Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning for URLLC Traffic in Wireless Networks,” IEEE WCNC, Marrakech, Maroc, 2019.
  33. M. Larranaga, M. Assaad, K. De Turck, “Queue-Aware Energy Efficient Control for Dense Wireless Networks”, In proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2018: 1570-1574
  34. S. Hajri, J. Denis, M. Assaad, “Enhancing Favorable Propagation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Through Spatial User Grouping”, In proc. of IEEE SPAWC 2018.
  35. Wenjie Li, M. Assaad, G. Ayache, M. Larranaga, “Matrix Exponential Learning for Resource Allocation with Low Informational Exchange”, In proc. of IEEE SPAWC 2018.
  36. Maatouk, M. Assaad, A. Ephremides, « The age of Updates in a Simple Relay Network, accepted in IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2018.
  37. M Assaad, SE Hajri, T Bonald, A Ephremides, “Power Control in Massive MIMO with Dynamic User Population,” accepted in IEEE Globecom 2018.
  38. S. Hajri, M. Assaad, M. Larranaga,”Enhancing massive MIMO: A new approach for Uplink training based on heterogeneous coherence times,” In proc. of IEEE ICT 2018: 361-366
  39. R. Ibrahim, M. Assaad, B. Sayrac, A. Gati, « When Distributed outperforms Centralized Scheduling in D2D-Enabled Cellular Networks », in proc. of ACM MSWIM 2018.
  40. Wenjie LI and Mohamad Assaad, « Distributed Derivative-free Optimization in Large Communication Networks with Sparse Activity,” accepted in 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018.
  41. J. Denis, A. Maatouk, S. Hajri, M. Assaad, Stay Longer at the Network’s Edge: a Novel Proactive Caching Policy Through Sojourn Time, accepted in IEEE Globecom 2018.
  42. E. Caliskan, A. Maatouk, M. Koca, M. Assaad, G. Gui,, “A Simple NOMA Scheme with Optimum Detection,” accepted in IEEE Globecom 2018.
  43. Doumiati, H. Artail, M. Assaad, “Managing Interference in D2D Networks via Clustering and Topological Awareness”, in IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2018.
  44. H Sari, A Maatouk, E Caliskan, M Assaad, M Koca, G Gui, “On the Foundation of NOMA and its Application to 5G Cellular Networks,” in proc. of IEEE WCNC 2018..
  45. A. Maatouk, S. Hajri, M. Assaad, H. Sari, S. Sezginer, “Graph Theory Based Approach to Users Grouping and Downlink Scheduling in FDD Massive MIMO,” in proc. of IEEE ICC 2018.
  46. W. LI, M. Assaad, P. Duhamel, “Distributed Stochastic Optimization in Networks with Low Information Exchange,” in Proc. of IEEE Allerton conference, 2017
  47. R Al Khansa, JJ Saade, HA Artail, M Assaad, “A small cell approach to optimizing the coverage of MTC systems with massive MIMO and random access using stochastic geometry,” in proc of IEEE WiMob 2017. 
  48. J. Gaveau, C. Le Martret, M. Assaad, “Grouping of Subcarriers and Effective SNR Statistics in Wideband OFDM Systems using EESM,” in proc of IEEE WiMob 2017. 
  49. R. Ibrahim, M. Assaad, B. Sayrac, A. Ephremides, ” Overlay D2D vs. Cellular Communications: A Stability Region Analysis,” in proc of IEEE ISWCS, 2017. 
  50. Salah Hajri, Mohamad Assaad, Giuseppe Caire, “Scheduling in Massive MIMO: User Clustering and Pilot Assignment,” in Proc. of Allerton conference 2016.
  51. M. Larranaga, M. Assaad, A. Destounis, G. Paschos, “Dynamic Pilot Allocation over Markovian fading channels: A restless bandit approach,” in proc. of ITW 2016, 290 -294
  52. S. Hajri, M. Assaad, “Caching Improvement using Adaptive Clustering,” in Proc. of IEEE SPAWC 2016.
  53. A. Akra and M. Assaad, “Energy Efficient Transmit Beamforming under Queuing Stability Constraints,” In Proc. of IEEE WCNC 16.
  54. M. Deghel, M. Assaad, M. Debbah, “Opportunistic Feedback Reporting and Scheduling Scheme for Multichannel Wireless Neetworks,” In Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2016.
  55. Destounis, M. Assaad, M. Debbah and B. Sayadi, « A Threshold-Based Approach for Joint Active User Selection and Feedback in MISO Downlink Systems », in proc. of IEEE ICC, London UK, June 2015. 
  56. Matha Deghel, Mohamad Assaad and Merouane Debbah, “system Performance of Interference Alignment under TDD Mode with Limited Backhaul”, in proc. of IEEE ICC, London UK, June 2015. 
  57. M. Deghel, M. Assaad, and M. Debbah, “Queueing Stability and CSI Probing in a Wireless Network with Interference Alignment in TDD Mode”, in proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), HongKong, June 2015.   
  58. M. Deghel, E. Bastug, M. Assaad and M. Debbah, “Joint Caching and Interference Alignment: A limited Backhaul Case”, in proc. of IEEE SPAWC, Sweden, 2015. 
  59. S. Hajri and M. Assaad, “An Exclusion zone for Massive MIMO With Underlay D2D Communication, » in proc. of IEEE ISWCS (invited paper), Brussels, 2015.
  60. A. Destounis, M. Assaad, M. Debbah and B. Sayadi, «Traffic-Aware Training and Scheduling for the 2-user MISO Broadcast Channel », in IEEE Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hawai, USA, 28 June – 2 July, 2014.
  61. A.F. Hanif, H. Tembine, M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Distributed Transmit Beamforming with 1-bit Feedback for LoS-MISO Channels”, in IEEE SPAWC, June 2013, Germany.
  62. Subhash Lakshminarayana, M. Assaad and M. Debbah, “Energy Efficient Design in MIMO Multi-cell Systems with Time Average QoS Constraints”, in IEEE SPAWC, June 2013, Germany.
  63. A. Destounis, M. Assaad, M. Debbah and B. Sayadi, “A Traffic Aware Joint CQI Feedback and Scheduling Scheme for Multichannel Downlink Systems in TDD Feedback Mode”, in IEEE PIMRC 2013. 
  64. A.F. Hanif, H. Tembine, M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Distributed Power Control in Femto Cells using Bayesian Density Tracking”, in IEEE Allerton conference, Oct 2013. 
  65. A.F. Hanif, H. Tembine, M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Distributed Stochastic Learning for Continuous Power Control in Wireless Networks”, IEEE SPAWC 2012, June 2012.
  66. A. Destounis, M. Assaad, M. Debbah, B. Sayadi and A. Feki, “Heavy Traffic Approach for Queue-Aware Power Control in Interfering Wireless Links”, IEEE SPAWC 2012, June 2012. 
  67. S. Lakshminarayana, B. Li, M. Assaad, A. Eryilmaz, M. Debbah, “Fast-CSMA Based Distributed Scheduling Algorithm under SINR Model”, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2012, accepted. 
  68. A. Destounis, A., M. Assaad, M. Debbah, B. Sayadi, and A. Feki, “Heavy Traffic Asymptotic Approach for Video Streaming over Small Cell Networks with Imperfect State Information”, WWRF, Piraeus, Greece, 03/2012.
  69. A. Makke, J. Tajer, O. Salem, M. Assaad and A. Mehoua, “Flooding Attacks Detection in Backbone Traffic Using Power Divergence », in 7th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks, accepted. . 
  70. N. Ul Hassan and M. Assaad, “ Resource Optimization to achieve Hard Delay Constraints in OFDMA Systems”, in proc. of IEEE ICCC 2012, June 2012.
  71. A.F. Hanif, H. Tembine, M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Cloud Networking Mean Field Games », in proc of IEEE CloudNet 2012, Paris, October 2012. 
  72. S. Lakshminirayana, M. Assaad and M. Debbah, “H-Infinity Control Based Scheduler for the Deployment of Small Cell Networks”, 9th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, (WiOpt), Princeton, USA 2011, accepted (Selected among the best papers of the conference and published in a special issue of Performance Evaluation Journal).
  73. M. Assaad, T. Hamidou and N. Ul Hassan, “Opportunistic Feedback scheme for OFDMA systems with imperfect uplink channels”, IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2011, accepted. 
  74. R. Aggarwal, M. Assaad, C. E. Koksal, and P. Schniter, “Optimal Resource Allocation in OFDMA downlink Systems with Imperfect CSI”, 12th IEEE Int’l Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2011, June 2011, San Fransisco, USA.
  75. H. Tembine, P. Vilanova, M. Assaad and M. Debbah, “A Mean Field Stochastic Game for SINR-based Medium Access Control”, GameCom 2011, May 2011, Paris, France. 
  76. H. Tembine and M. Assaad, “Hybrid Mean Field Learning in Large-Scale Dynamic Robust Games”, AMS International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, August 22-24, 2011, Ankara Turkey (to be published in Applied and Computational Mathematics, ISSN 1683-3511).
  77. Subhash Lakshminarayana, M. Debbah and M. Assaad, “Asymptotic Analysis of Downlink Multi-cell Systems with Partial CSIT,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011), July 31 – August 5, 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  78. Ayaz Ahmad and Mohamad Assaad, “Power Efficient Resource Allocation in Uplink SC-FDMA Systems” IEEE PIMRC 2011, 11-15 September 2011, Toronto, Canada.
  79. Ayaz Ahmad and Mohamad Assaad, “Polynomial-Complexity Optimal Resource Allocation Framework for Uplink SC-FDMA Systems”, IEEE Globecom 2011, 5-9 December 2011, Houston, USA.
  80. Mohamad Assaad, Ayaz Ahmad and Tembine Hamidou, “Risk Sensitive Resource Control Approach for Delay Limited Traffic in Wireless Networks”, IEEE Globecom 2011, 5-9 December 2011, Houston, USA.
  81. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Time Scheduling, Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Multi-Service Downlink OFDMA Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2010, South Africa, May 2010.
  82. Hassan Ayoub and Mohamad Assaad, “Scheduling in OFDMA systems with outdated channel knowledge,” IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2010, South Africa, May 2010.
  83. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Energy Efficient Causal Packet Scheduling in Wireless Fading Channels with Hard Delay Constraints,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010, Sydney Australia, 2010.
  84. Ayaz Ahmad and Mohamad Assaad, “Optimal Resource Allocation Framework for Downlink OFDMA System with Channel Estimation Error”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010, Sydney, Australia, 2010.
  85. Christophe Gaie, Mohamad Assaad and Pierre Duhamel, “Distributed Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks with Proportional Fairness”, 11th IEEE Int’l Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2010, Marrakech June 2010.
  86. Ayaz Ahmad and Mohamad Assaad, “Joint Resource Optimization and Relay Selection in Cooperative Cellular Networks with Imperfect Channel Knowledge”,11th IEEE Int’l Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2010, Marrakech June 2010.  
  87. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Optimal Downlink Beamforming and Resource allocation in MIMO-OFDMA systems”, 11th IEEE Int’l Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2010, Marrakech June 2010.
  88. S. Lakshminarayana, J. Hoydis, M. Deabbah and M. Assaad, “Asymptotic Analysis of Distributed Multi-cell Beamforming”, in proc. of IEEE PIMRC 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2010.
  89. Naveed Ul Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Resource Allocation in Multiuser OFDMA System: Feasibility and Optimization Study”, IEEE WCNC 2009, accepted.
  90. Naveed UL Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Joint Flow Control and Physical Resource Allocation in Multiservice OFDMA Systems” 10th IEEE Int’l Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), July, 2009.
  91. Naveed UL Hassan and Mohamad Assaad, “Optimal Fractional Frequency Reuse FFR and resource allocation in OFDMA Systems”, in proc. Of IEEE ICICT conference, Pakistan, August, 2009.
  92. A. Ahmad and M. Assaad, “Margin Adaptive Resource Allocation in Downlink OFDMA system with Outdated Channel State Information”, in Proc. of IEEE PIMRC 09, Tokyo, 12-16 Sep 2009.
  93. C. Gaie, M. Assaad, P. Duhamel, “A Distributed Algorithm for Instantaneous Allocation of Discrete Resources in Heterogeneous Networks”, in Proc. of IEEE PIMRC 09, Tokyo, 12-16 Sep 2009.
  94. M. Assaad, “Reduction of the impact of feedback delay on scheduling in OFDMA systems”, in proc. of IEEE VTC Fall 2009, Anchorage, 20-24 Sep 2009.
  95. R. Aggarwal, M. Assaad, C. E. Koksal, and P. Schniter, “OFDMA Downlink Resource Allocation via ARQ Feedback,” Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Pacific Grove, CA), Nov. 2009.
  96. M. Assaad and A. Mourad, “New Frequency-Time Scheduling Algorithms for 3GPP/LTE-like OFDMA Air Interface in the Downlink”, IEEE VTC Spring 2008, 11-14 May 2008, Singapore, pp. 1964-1969.
  97. Naveed UL Hassan and M. Assaad, “Margin Adaptive Resource Allocation in Downlink Multiuser MIMO-OFDMA system with Multiuser Eigenmode Transmission”, IEEE SPAWC 2008, 6-9 July 2008.
  98. D.T. Phan Huy, R. Legouable, D. Kténas, L. Brunel, M.  Assaad, “Downlink B3G MIMO OFDMA Link and System Level Performance”, IEEE VTC Spring 2008, 11-14 May 2008, Singapore, pp. 1975-1979.
  99. Christophe Gaie, Mohamad Assaad, Markus Muck, Pierre Duhamel, “Distributed Discrete Resource Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE SPAWC 2008, 6-9 July 2008.
  100. Mohamad Assaad, “Optimal Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) in Multicellular OFDMA system”, IEEE VTC Fall 2008, September 2008, Galgary Canada.
  101. Mohamad Assaad, “Frequency-Time Scheduling for Streaming Services in OFDMA system”, IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days 2008, 23-27 November 2008, Dubai.
  102. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “scheduling for streaming services in HSDPA system”, IEEE PIMRC 2006, Finland.
  103. M. Assaad, B. Jouaber and D. Zeghlache, “Effect of TCP on UMTS/HSDPA System Performance and Capacity”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM ’04, Dallas. Volume: 6 , 29 Nov.-3 Dec., 2004, Pages:4104 – 4108.
  104. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Comparison between MIMO techniques in a UMTS-HSDPA System”, IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications ISSSTA, 30 Aug.-2 Sept. 2004, Sydney, Pages 874-878.
  105. M. Assaad, B. Jouaber and D. Zeghlache, “TCP Performance over UMTS-HSDPA System”, IEEE ICN 04, selected among the best papers and published in a journal.
  106. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “Fast Scheduling in HSDPA System: A Trade-off Between Fairness and Efficiency”, IEEE WPMC 2005.
  107. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, ”Scheduler Study in HSDPA System”, IEEE PIMRC 2005.
  108. M. Assaad and D. Zeghlache, “On the Capacity of HSDPA System”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2003. GLOBECOM ’03, Volume: 1, 1-5 Dec. 2003, Pages: 60 – 64.