
Elisabeth LAHALLE

Associate Professor

L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France



Journal articles


Blade vibration study by spectral analysis of tip-timing signals with OMP algorithm

Bouchain, Picheral, Lahalle, Chardon, Vercoutter, Talon
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 130, p. 108-121, 2019

Compressed-sensing-based content-driven hierarchical reconstruction: Theory and application to C-arm cone-beam tomography

Langet, Riddell, Reshef, Trousset, Tenenhaus, Lahalle, Fleury, Paragios
Med Phys, 42 (9), American Association of Physicists in Medicine, p. 5222-5237, 2015

Compression methods for mechanical vibration signals: Application to the plane engines

Oltean, Picheral, Lahalle, Hamdan, Griffaton
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 41 (1-2), p. 313-327, 2013

New non-uniform transmission and ADPCM coding system for improving both signal to noise ratio and bit rate

Lahalle, Fleury, Zgheib
IEEE signal process. lett., 18 (3), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 149-152, 2011

Lattice algorithm for adaptive stable identification and robust reconstruction of non stationary AR processes with missing observations

Zgheib, Fleury, Lahalle
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, p. pp. 2746-2754, 2008

Online estimation of time-varying volatility using a continuous-discrete LMS algorithm

Lahalle, Baili, Oksman
Eurasip JASP, SpringerOpen, p. 8 pages, 2008

Conference papers


Classification de séries temporelles de longueurs variables pour la surveillance radiologique de l’environnement

Poirier–Herbeck, Lahalle, Saurel, Marcos
GRETSI 2022 – XXIIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Nancy, France, 2022

Unknown-length motif discovery methods in environmental monitoring time series

Poirier-Herbeck, Lahalle, Saurel, Marcos
2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Prague, Tchéquie, 2022

New Possibilities for Analyzing Complex Asynchronous Blade Vibrations From Tip-Timing Data Using a Sparse Spectral Analysis Method

Bouchain, Picheral, Lahalle, Vercoutter, Burgardt, Talon
ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, États-Unis, 2019

Sparse Method for Tip-Timing Signals Analysis with Non Stationary Engine Rotation Frequency

Bouchain, Picheral, Lahalle, Vercoutter, Talon
26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018), Rome, Italie, 2018

Méthode parcimonieuse pour l’analyse spectrale de signaux tip-timing

Bouchain, Picheral, Lahalle, Vercoutter
26eme Colloque GRETSI Traitement du Signal & des Images, GRETSI 2017, Juan les Pins, France, 2017

Nonlinear diffusion constraints for reconstructing subsampled rotational angiography data

Langet, Reshef, Riddell, Trousset, Tenenhaus, Lahalle, Fleury, Paragios
Fully3D 2013, Lake Tahoe, California, États-Unis, 2013

Compressed Sensing Dynamic Reconstruction in Rotational Angiography

Langet, Riddell, Trousset, Tenenhaus, Lahalle, Fleury, Paragios
MICCAI’12, Nice, France, 2012

Signal parameters estimation using time-frequency representation for laser doppler anemometry

Baral-Baron, Lahalle, Fleury, Lacondemine, Schlotterbeck
EUSIPCO’12, Bucharest, Roumanie, 2012

Tomographic Reconstruction with L1-Minimization Strategy for Rotational Angiography

Langet, Riddell, Tenenhaus, Trousset, Lahalle, Fleury, Paragios
20th International Conference on computational statistics (COMPSTAT’12), Limassol, Chypre, 2012

Compressed sensing subtracted rotational angiography with multiple sparse penalty

Langet, Riddell, Trousset, Tenenhaus, Lahalle, Fleury, Paragios
2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2012), Barcelone, Espagne, 2012


Patents and software


Procédé et dispositif de mesure de la vitesse d’un aéronef par effet Doppler

Baral-Baron, Lacondemine, Lahalle, Fleury
France, Patent n° : EP 2720066 A1, 2014
