Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Université Paris-Saclay (ranked 15th in the world by the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities https://www.shanghairanking.com/rankings/arwu/2023) at the engineering school CentraleSupélec (a Grande école resulting from the merging in January 1, 2015, of the École Centrale de Paris (Centrale Paris) and the École Supérieure d’Électricité (Supélec)). He received his Engineering Diploma in Electricity and Electronics option Computer Science and Telecommunication in 2000 from the Faculté de Génie of the Université Libanaise in Beirut, Lebanon, his Master of Science in Industrial Control in 2001 from the Faculté de Génie of the Université Libanaise in collaboration with the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), France, and defended and obtained his PhD in Systems and Information Technologies in 2005 from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Between March 2002 and August 2005, he worked as Research Engineer in Computer Science at CETIM (Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques) in Senlis, France. From 2004 to 2005, he was President-elect of the Mouvement Associatif Doctoral of the UTC. From 2005 to 2006, he was Researcher at CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). From 2006 to 2008, he was Assistant Professor at the Université Sorbonne-Paris-Nord. He has been Professor in the Department of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems of the École Supérieure d’Électricité (Supélec) between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2014. During his academic and industrial career, he has authored over 95 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He has edited 6 scientific research books published by ACM and IEEE. Prof. Hamdan has received several Excellence awards: Excellence scholarship for the Master of Science internship, Industrial Convention for Training through Research as doctoral thesis scholarship (CIFRE : Convention Industrielle de Formation par la REcherche), Best paper award for his significant contribution in Big Data model-based clustering, and Prize received in 2018 at Downing College at the University of Cambridge for the excellent organization of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE 2017). He was Associate Editor of the International Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. He was and still Guest Editor of Special Issues in different International Journals. He was and still involved in the International Scientific Committees of many International Conferences. His current research interests include machine learning, signal processing, intelligent communication, automatic control, and data analysis.
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France