Richard COMBES
Associate Professor
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Statistically Efficient, Polynomial Time Algorithms for Combinatorial Semi Bandits
Unimodal Bandits with Continuous Arms: Order-optimal Regret without Smoothness
Performance Analysis of Device-to-Device Aided Multicasting in General Network Topologies
Optimal Rate Sampling in 802.11 Systems: Theory, Design, and Implementation
Computationally Efficient Estimation of the Spectral Gap of a Markov Chain
Hierarchical Beamforming: Resource Allocation, Fairness and Flow Level Performance
Hierarchical beamforming: Resource allocation, fairness and flow level performance
Utility Optimal Scheduling for Coded Caching in General Topologies
An Approximate ML Detector for MIMO Channels Corrupted by Phase Noise
Stochastic Online Shortest Path Routing: The Value of Feedback
Aloha, police d’états: Un contrôle d’admission implicite ?
Contextual Linear Bandits under Noisy Features: Towards Bayesian Oracles
Towards optimal algorithms for multi-player bandits without collision sensing information
On the Suboptimality of Thompson Sampling in High Dimensions
Statistically Efficient, Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Combinatorial Semi-Bandits
Asymptotically Optimal Strategies for Combinatorial Semi-Bandits in Polynomial Time
Unimodal Bandits with Continuous Arms
Solving Bernoulli Rank-One Bandits with Unimodal Thompson Sampling
Optimal Retransmission Policies for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications with Delayed Feedback
Computationally Efficient Estimation of the Spectral Gap of a Markov Chain
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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