#### Account creation form - Lab-IA #### # Note : fill this form and send by email to staff.lab-ia@services.cnrs.fr, the L2S pole informatique ((l2s.informatique@listes.centralesupelec.fr) and your project referee. # Your account will be opened when validated by both of them # Identity firstname= lastname= email= # group : name of the lab you depend group=L2S # job position : must be [student, phd_student, post-doc, researcher, engineer] job_position= # leaving date : mandatory for students, phd_students, post-doc # 2050-01-01 for permanent users leaving_date="YYYY-MM-JJ" # project : should be an existing project # To create a new project, fill the Ruche project creation form project_shortname= project_referee="" project_referee_mail=