Guilherme MAZANTI
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
My website is available at
On the relations between stability optimization of linear time-delay systems and multiple rightmost characteristic roots
Approximate and exact controllability criteria for linear one-dimensional hyperbolic systems
Decay Rate Assignment through Multiple Spectral Values in Delay Systems
Over-order multiplicities and their application in controlling delay dynamics. On zeros’ distribution of linear combinations of Kummer hypergeometric functions
Hautus-Yamamoto criteria for approximate and exact controllability of linear difference delay equations
On the pole placement of scalar linear delay systems with two delays
On the gap between deterministic and probabilistic Lyapunov exponents for continuous-time linear systems
Nonsmooth mean field games with state constraints
Correction to: Second order local minimal-time mean field games
Second order local minimal-time Mean Field Games
Prospects in P3delta Software: New Development Directions
Frequency domain approach for the stability analysis of a fast hyperbolic PDE coupled with a slow ODE
MID Property for Delay Systems: Insights on Spectral Values with Intermediate Multiplicity
YALTAPy and YALTAPy_Online: Python toolboxes for the H∞-stability analysis of classical and fractional systems with commensurate delays
New Features of P3δ Software. Insights and Demos
Padé Approximation and Hypergeometric Functions: A Missing Link with the Spectrum of Delay-Differential Equations
On the characterization of equilibria of nonsmooth minimal-time mean field games with state constraints
Stability, Delays and Multiple Characteristic Roots in Dynamical Systems: A Guided Tour
New Features of P3$\delta$ software: Partial Pole Placement via Delay Action
Insights into the multiplicity-induced-dominancy for scalar delay-differential equations with two delays
Advances in Distributed Parameter Systems
Stabilization of persistently excited linear systems
Stability and stabilization of linear switched systems in finite and infinite dimensions