Senior researcher Emeritus
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Identification and characterization of damaged fiber-reinforced laminates in a Bayesian framework
Ultrasonic and microwave data fusion for breast imaging within an artificial intelligence context involving a Bayesian approach and transfer learning
Enhancing CFRP delamination detection: A Bayesian neural network approach Integrating spatial and temporal information
Ground Penetrating Radar, from Theoretical Endeavors to Computational Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Antenna Design and Field Application
GPR for Tree Roots Reconstruction under Heterogeneous Soil Conditions
New Trends in Electromagnetic Inverse Problems, Inverse Problems Special Issue
Unrolled convolutional neural network for full-wave inverse scattering
Faire progresser l’imagerie du sein grâce à la fusion de données et à l’apprentissage par transfert : une exploration complète
Electromagnetic Breast Imaging and Uncertainty Quantification with Bayesian Neural Networks
Identification and characterization of damaged fiber-reinforced laminates in a Bayesian framework
Breast imaging by convolutional neural networks from joint microwave and ultrasonic data
Group sparsity penalized contrast source solution method for 2-D non-linear inverse scattering
Fused microwave and ultrasonic breast imaging within the framework of a joint variational Bayesian approximation
Breast imaging by cascaded CNN from joint microwave and ultrasonic data
Data fusion and non-destructive testing of damaged fiber-reinforced laminates
On breast imaging from joint microwave and acoustic data within a Bayesian framework
Imagerie ultrasonore adaptative appliquée à des structures anisotropes dont les propriétés matériaux sont inconnues
Imaging comparison of GPR based on multi- and bi-static configurations
Imaging of sub-wavelength micro-structures by time reversal and neural networks, from synthetic to laboratory-controlled data
Ultrasonic array imaging of nuclear austenitic V-shape welds with Inhomogeneous and unknown anisotropic properties
Subwavelength micro-structure probing by binary-specialized methods: contrast source and convolutional neural networks
On homogenization of fiber-reinforced polymers
A processing framework for tree roots reconstruction using Ground-Penetrating Radar under heterogeneous soil conditions
Joint inversion of electromagnetic and acoustic data with edge-preserving regularization for breast imaging
On the diagnostic of a complex sub-wavelength micro-structure via machine learning tools
Use of sparsity in nonlinear electromagnetic imaging: wavelet-based contrast source method
A wavelet-based contrast source inversion method
Method and device for detecting and characterizing a reflecting element in an object
A complete framework for acousto-electric tomography with numerical examples
Electromagnetic micro-structure non-destructive testing: sparsity-constrained and combined convolutional-recurrent neural networks methods
Shape reconstruction of delamination defects using thermographic infrared signals based on an enhanced Canny approach
Microwave breast imaging with prior ultrasound information
Surrogate modeling based on resampled polynomial chaos expansions
Surrogate modeling of indoor down-link human exposure based on sparse polynomial chaos expansion
Electromagnetic modeling of damaged fiber-reinforced laminates
Optimization algorithms for ultrasonic array Imaging in homogeneous anisotropic steel components with unknown properties
Optimization method for ultrasonic array imaging of defects in complex materials with unknown elastic properties
Imaging of a micro-structure: binary contrast source inversion and convolutional neural networks
On nonlinearized inversion procedures and their application to breast imaging
Ultrasonic array imaging in anisotropic steel components with unknown properties using optimization agorithms
Near-field characterization of root systems, from computationalmodeling and simulations to controlled laboratory experiments
Nonlinearized electromagnetic imaging of complex biological structures – towards data fusion
Convolutional neural networks for imaging of micro-structures
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for acousto-electric tomography based on the complete electrode model
Improving the quality of images of a homogeneous anisotropic weld mold with a local optimization scheme based on a surrogate model
Diagnostic électromagnétique et imagerie d’une microstructure diélectrique à l’aide de réseaux de neurones convolutionnels
La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des architectures racinaires par le radar à pénétration de sol
Optimisation de l’imagerie ultrasonore multi-éléments dans des aciers anisotropes dont les propriétés élastiques sont incertaines: application au Contrôle Non-Destructif
On the Direct Sampling Method in 3-D far-field inverse scattering, from theory to testing on controlled laboratory data
Fast 3D model dedicated to thermographic inspections of planar composite structures
3, rue Joliot Curie,
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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