Ph.D Students
- Gabriel Velho, Efficient and Reliable Control of coupled Stochastic and Partial differential Equations (MS, Mines ParisTech), joint with R. Bonalli and I. Boussaada, Nov. 2022-…,
- Jeanne Redaud, Robust control of networks of hyperbolic linear partial differential equations (MS, Mines ParisTech), joint with S. Niculescu, Nov. 2020-2023
- Best student paper award at the 16th IFAC Time Delay Systems Workshop (2021).
- Accessit for the Ph.D award of Ecole Doctorale STIC, Université Paris-Saclay (2022).
Postdoctoral fellows
- Ismaïla Balogoun, Certified stabilization of PDEs with prescribed solutions decay rate, joint with G. Mazanti and I. Boussaada, Oct. 2023-2024.
- Lucas Brivadis, Control, observability and regulation of a dynamical model of neural fields, joint with A. Chaillet, Oct. 2021-2022
Visitor / Graduate Students
- Léa Njoua Dongmo, Machine learning and mixed ODE-PDE for mesoscopic traffic systems, co-supervised with A. Iovine, April 2023-Oct 2023.
- Yun-Ithry Gamrani, Desing of a control toolbox for the stabilization of hyperbolic systems (MS, CentraleSupelec), Oct. 2021-…
- Pierre-François Massiani, Parameters estimation in the Rijke tube (MS, Mines ParisTech), Sept. 2017 – March 2018,
- Hubert Ménou, Passive vibration damping in a washing machine with a CRONE control (MS, Mines ParisTech), Sept. 2016 – March 2017,