Emmanuel VAZQUEZ
Prof. & researcher in Bayesian design and analysis of computer experiments; coordinator of Data Science projects at CentraleSupelec
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Bayesian sequential design of computer experiments for quantile set inversion
Quantitative risk assessment of Haemolytic and Uremic Syndrome (HUS) from consumption of raw milk soft cheese
Multipathogen quantitative risk assessment in raw milk soft cheese
Active Learning of (small) Quantile Sets
Gaussian process interpolation with conformal prediction: methods and comparative analysis
A stepwise uncertainty reduction strategy for the estimation of small quantile sets
Estimation of Small Quantile Sets Using a Sequential Bayesian Strategy
Scalable Gaussian Process for Large Datasets
Multi-output Gaussian process for river water height estimation
Parameter selection in Gaussian process interpolation: An empirical study of selection criteria
Minimizing the risk of foodborne illness and analytical costs using a QMRA model for raw milk cheeses
Kriging metamodels for 2D finite element simulations of the settlements induced by TBM excavation in urban areas
Bayesian multi-objective optimization for stochastic simulators
Optimizing TBM Parameters through Surface Settlement Monitoring Using Surrogate Modelling Approach
Estimation of (small) reliable sets using a sequential Bayesian strategy
MINERVE – Un jumeau numérique pour gérer l’infrastructure ferroviaire
STK: a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
Sequential design of multi-fidelity computer experiments: maximizing the rate of stepwise uncertainty reduction
Integration of bounded monotone functions: Revisiting the nonsequential case, with a focus on unbiased Monte Carlo (randomized) methods
Relaxed Gaussian process interpolation: a goal-oriented approach to Bayesian optimization
Reliability-based inversion: Stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies?
Quantitative risk assessment and optimization of process intervention parameters for French raw milk soft cheese
Bayesian multi-objective optimization for quantitative risk assessment in microbiology
Sequential Bayesian inversion of black-box functions in presence of uncertainties
Relaxed Gaussian process interpolation: a goal-oriented approach to Bayesian optimization
Bayesian multi-objective optimization for stochastic simulators: an extension of the Pareto Active Learning method
Numerical issues in maximum likelihood parameter estimation for Gaussian process interpolation
A Bayesian approach for the optimal integration of renewable energy sources in distribution networks over multi-year horizons
Towards new cross-validation-based estimators for Gaussian process regression: efficient adjoint computation of gradients
Extension of the Pareto Active Learning Method to Multi-Objective Optimization for Stochastic Simulators
Extension of the Pareto Active Learning method to multi-objective optimization for stochastic simulators
On the quantification of discretization uncertainty: comparison of two paradigms
Gaussian process model selection for computer experiments
Bayesian multi-objective optimization with noisy evaluations
Bayesian multi-objective optimization with noisy evaluations using the Knowledge Gradient
Optimisation of multi-year planning strategies to better integrate renewable energies and new electricity uses in the distribution grid
User preferences in Bayesian multi-objective optimization: the expected weighted hypervolume improvement criterion
Planification d’expériences numériques en multi-fidélité, appliquée à la sécurité en ingénierie incendie
Bayesian Subset Simulation Tutorial
Integrating hyper-parameter uncertainties in a multi-fidelity Bayesian model for the estimation of a probability of failure
Bayesian subset simulation
Assessing fire safety using complex numerical models with a Bayesian multi-fidelity approach
A Bayesian approach to constrained single- and multi-objective optimization
User preferences in Bayesian multi-objective optimization
Integrating hyper-parameter uncertainties in a multi-fidelity Bayesian model for the estimation of a probability of failure
Sequential design of experiments to estimate a probability of exceeding a threshold in a multi-fidelity stochastic simulator
Sequential design of experiment on a stochastic multi-fidelity simulator to estimate a probability of exceeding a threshold
Design of a commercial aircraft environment control system using Bayesian optimization techniques
Bayesian Optimization
Gaussian process modeling for stochastic multi-fidelity simulators, with application to fire safety
Sequential search strategies based on kriging
Modélisation comportementale de systèmes non-linéaires multivariables par méthodes à noyaux et applications