Emmanuel VAZQUEZ
Prof. & researcher in Bayesian design and analysis of computer experiments; coordinator of Data Science projects at CentraleSupelec
L2S, CentraleSupélec
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Quantitative risk assessment of Haemolytic and Uremic Syndrome (HUS) from consumption of raw milk soft cheese
Gaussian process interpolation with conformal prediction: methods and comparative analysis
Estimation of Small Quantile Sets Using a Sequential Bayesian Strategy
Multi-output Gaussian process for river water height estimation
Scalable Gaussian Process for Large Datasets
Bayesian sequential design of computer experiments for quantile set inversion
Parameter selection in Gaussian process interpolation: An empirical study of selection criteria
Minimizing the risk of foodborne illness and analytical costs using a QMRA model for raw milk cheeses
Kriging metamodels for 2D finite element simulations of the settlements induced by TBM excavation in urban areas
Bayesian multi-objective optimization for stochastic simulators
Optimizing TBM Parameters through Surface Settlement Monitoring Using Surrogate Modelling Approach
Estimation of (small) reliable sets using a sequential Bayesian strategy
MINERVE – Un jumeau numérique pour gérer l’infrastructure ferroviaire
STK: a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
Sequential design of multi-fidelity computer experiments: maximizing the rate of stepwise uncertainty reduction
Integration of bounded monotone functions: Revisiting the nonsequential case, with a focus on unbiased Monte Carlo (randomized) methods
Relaxed Gaussian process interpolation: a goal-oriented approach to Bayesian optimization
Reliability-based inversion: Stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies?
Quantitative risk assessment and optimization of process intervention parameters for French raw milk soft cheese
Bayesian multi-objective optimization for quantitative risk assessment in microbiology
Sequential Bayesian inversion of black-box functions in presence of uncertainties
Relaxed Gaussian process interpolation: a goal-oriented approach to Bayesian optimization
Bayesian multi-objective optimization for stochastic simulators: an extension of the Pareto Active Learning method
Numerical issues in maximum likelihood parameter estimation for Gaussian process interpolation
A Bayesian approach for the optimal integration of renewable energy sources in distribution networks over multi-year horizons
Towards new cross-validation-based estimators for Gaussian process regression: efficient adjoint computation of gradients
Extension of the Pareto Active Learning Method to Multi-Objective Optimization for Stochastic Simulators
Extension of the Pareto Active Learning method to multi-objective optimization for stochastic simulators
On the quantification of discretization uncertainty: comparison of two paradigms
Gaussian process model selection for computer experiments
Bayesian multi-objective optimization with noisy evaluations
Bayesian multi-objective optimization with noisy evaluations using the Knowledge Gradient
Optimisation of multi-year planning strategies to better integrate renewable energies and new electricity uses in the distribution grid
User preferences in Bayesian multi-objective optimization: the expected weighted hypervolume improvement criterion
Planification d’expériences numériques en multi-fidélité, appliquée à la sécurité en ingénierie incendie
Bayesian Subset Simulation Tutorial
Integrating hyper-parameter uncertainties in a multi-fidelity Bayesian model for the estimation of a probability of failure
Bayesian subset simulation
Assessing fire safety using complex numerical models with a Bayesian multi-fidelity approach
A Bayesian approach to constrained single- and multi-objective optimization
User preferences in Bayesian multi-objective optimization
Integrating hyper-parameter uncertainties in a multi-fidelity Bayesian model for the estimation of a probability of failure
Sequential design of experiments to estimate a probability of exceeding a threshold in a multi-fidelity stochastic simulator
Sequential design of experiment on a stochastic multi-fidelity simulator to estimate a probability of exceeding a threshold
Design of a commercial aircraft environment control system using Bayesian optimization techniques
Bayesian Optimization
Gaussian process modeling for stochastic multi-fidelity simulators, with application to fire safety
Bias and Variance in the Bayesian Subset Simulation Algorithm
Design and analysis of multi-level numerical experiments, with application to fire safety
Bayesian multi-objective optimization with constraints: Application to the design of a commercial aircraft environment control system
Sequential search strategies based on kriging
Modélisation comportementale de systèmes non-linéaires multivariables par méthodes à noyaux et applications